🦁 Chapter 10: Kidnapped again, and the Truth🦁

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It's been a year now since Wangji found out that he is Yibo.

Zhan finally graduated from his University and will start helping his father with the company.

Zhan also officially proposed to Yibo since he don't want their marriage to be only arranged.

Now they are waiting for their wedding that will be held 2 months later.

All the time, Zhan and Yibo spent it on dates and many mores together.

Everyone who see them walking with hands entertwined can't help but feel jealous.

But Zhan and Yibo don't mind about it, they are in their own world.

As Zhan promised Yibo before, they visited the Lions who raised Yibo again.

But the time they visited they are with Yiyi and Qiren.

One day Yibo went out with his cousin Haikuan to the mall.

While they were walking a black van stopped in front of them and put a handkerchief with drugs on it.

Yibo and haikuan fell unconscious.

The kidnappers put Yibo and haikuan inside the van.

On Wang Mansion

Zhan had been trying to reach Yibo for more than 1 hour already.

It's been 5 hours since Yibo and haikuan went out.

Zhan don't know but he felt restless.

He feel something wrong.

After few minutes, Zhan's phone rang and he smiled when he saw who the caller is.

It's Yibo.

Zhan immediately answered it but he froze when the other side talked.

" I have your fiancee and his cousin, if you want to get them alive, give me all Xiao and Wang's wealth in 4 hours, if not then both of them will die". The caller said.

" Who are you?, Don't ever lay a hand on my fiance or I will kill you". Zhan shouted.

" Hahaha, I will send you the location, I will wait for you there Mr. Xiao Zhan". The caller said.

The call got cutted, and all of them who heard the conversation got restless.

" Please Zhan save my son". Yiyi said.

" Don't worry mom, I have a plan". Zhan said.

Zhan smirked and his face turned cold and grim.

" Do you think you can fight me, well you have messed with the wrong person". Zhan said in his mind.

Zhan went out leaving alone.

He went to the forest and talked with the Lions.

" I need your help, Yibo is kidnapped, please help us". Zhan said.

The Lions growled in anger when Zhan mentioned that Yibo is kidnapped.

The Lion mother nod his head and growled followed by the other Lions.

Zhan smiled and went back to the mansion and prepared for the meeting.

Zhan went to the place the kidnappers told him alone.

He has a plan and everyone is part of it.

" Plan A begin". Zhan said when he saw the black van coming.

4 men's and He Peng come out from the van.

" Well, well, well you have grown up well Xiao Zhan, sigh, because of you all of my plan is ruined, I even kidnapped that Wang Yibo and leave him in the forest 20 years ago I thought I have gotten rid of him but who expects that he will survive the forest alone when he was merely 2 years old". He Peng said.

" You!, So you are behind all of this". Zhan said.

" Hahahah, that's right". He Peng answered.

" Where is Yibo and kuan ge?". Zhan asked.

" Where is my condition?". He Peng asked.

" Here, in this briefcase all the papers of Xiao and Wang wealth is here, give me my fiance and his cousin then I will give this to you". Zhan said.

" How can I make sure that it's all true?". He Peng asked.

Then Zhan opened the briefcase and took the papers and showed it to he Peng.

" Good job". He Peng said while clapping his hands.

" Now where are them?". Zhan asked.

" Bring them out". He Peng said.

Then the 4 men dragged Yibo and haikuan outside, both are unconscious.

Zhan clenched his fist when he saw his Yibo.

" Let's exchange in the middle". Zhan said.

" Sure". He Peng said and nods at the 4 men who is dragging Yibo and haikuan.

When they arrived in the middle, they exchange.

Now Zhan has Yibo and haikuan, and he Peng have the briefcase with papers.


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