🦁Chapter 7: Secret DNA, Fight🦁

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Xiao Zhan POV

The next day I woke up earlier. I have something to do today.

Actually I secretly took a DNA sample from mom and dad I want to make sure that my guess is right.

I got up slowly not wanting to wake up my little Cub, I secretly took a strand of hair from him and put it on a small plastic bag with zipper ( sorry don't know what it's called) and I put his name on it.

I put the bag on my pocket and kissed my Wangji's lips before going out.

I went to a private hospital and give them the DNA SAMPLES from mom and dad and Wangji ( mom- Mrs. Wang, dad- Mr. Wang, mama- Mrs. Xiao, papa- Mr. Xiao).

" Please make sure no one will know about this". I said.

" Yes Mr. Xiao, you will get your result in one week". The doctor said.

" Thank you". I said.

I left the hospital and drove back to my mansion.

Lan Wangji POV

When I woke up I pouted when I saw Zhan ge not beside me.

I huffed in annoyance, I will definitely punish Zhan ge later.

I went to the bathroom to clean myself before going down to the living room.

I opened the TV and watched THE LION KING I got immersed watching it, while touching the gift I got from Zhan ge.

After few minutes I heard knocks from the door.

I went up and opened the door because I thought it was Zhan ge, I was about to rant but when I saw who it was I frowned.

" Is Zhan ge there?". The man who is no other than Yibo asked.

" Zhan ge is not here". I said.

I was about to close the door in front of his face but he stopped it.

" How rude you are to close the door in front of me, don't you know who am I?". He asked shouting.

" I know Zhan Ge's fiance but I told you he's not here". I said.

" So what, can't I come inside my fiance's house?". He asked.

I just roed my eyes and went back to watching.

He sat beside me and tried to take the Remote but I immediately avoided it.

" Give me the remote". He said.

" I am watching stop bothering me". I said.

" You, I will tell this to Zhan ge". He said.

" I don't care". I said.

Then he suddenly look at me and grab the necklace in my neck.

" Ouch, it hurts what are you doing?, Let go of my necklace". I said.

" How dare you took Zhan ge's things". He said.

"It's mine". I said.

" No it's Zhan ge's, I know it's his because he bought it on our date maybe you took it from him you robber". He said.

" He gave It to me, what are you saying that I took it". I said.

" No way, give it back". He said while pulling the necklace.

Suddenly he pulled it out successfully but it broke and it cause a wound in my neck.

My neck is now bleeding, I touched it and I hissed in pain.

" Now look at what you have done, because of you it broke". He said.

I feel my tears fall down in my eyes now, Zhan ge, and my other gege's never treated me like this.

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