Chapter Eleven

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~(F/N)'s POV~

I was currently in my room changing into more comfortable clothes. I agreed to Eren's invitation to go on a date. He told me that dates were a time when friends hang out. I wore a plain white shirt with my hoodie jacket and pair of clean black pants.

"(F/N)-chan!~" Tsubaki came into my room.

"What do you want Tsubaki?" I put on my shoe before leaving.

"Whoa! Wait, where are you going?" She smirked.

"On a date?" 'Why is she getting excited? Weird woman'

She started squealing "WITH WHO!?"

"That's non of your buisness Tsubaki" I tried to leave but she blocked my exit.

"Who! You won't leave until you tell me!" She grinned.

"Eren" I pushed her away and left her squealing to death. 'Whats her problem?'

She walked away leaving me confused. I walked outside and noticed Eren waiting by a tree. He waved at me and smiled.

"(F/N)-chan!" He ran towards me. "Ready for our date?" He said holding my hand.


My heart began to beat really fast along with my stomach feeling weird.


We walked around to city, till we stopped at a small bakery. We went inside and sat down. We talked a little then decided to leave. We walked back to our hiding spot. 'Well this day went by rather quickly' I thought as I sat down on the slightly windy hill.

"Hey (F/N)" he held my hand as he spoke.

"Yeah Eren?"

"I've always wondered about your parents. You said you didn't know where they were, how did you get separated?"

"Why do you need to know?" I asked rudely

"I was just curious...sorry" I looked into his sad eyes and felt guilty.

"No, I'm sorry for being rude" I turned around so I can put my back against his. "I don't like my parents, I never did. It began when I was a kid." He sat up straight and listened to my story.

"I was five years old living with my parents in a castle. I came from a wealthy family who never really cared about me, only their money. I was an only child without any siblings, I was raised by the butlers and maids that worked for us. Every time I would try and talk to my parents they would ignore me or yell at me. One day I snapped and yelled at them for being horrible parents and said that they only cared about money and not me. They said I was 'a peice of shit' who only gets in their way. They started abusing me, every time they were frustrated with buisness they would take their anger out on me. The butlers and maids were ordered not to interfere with our fights. We stayed like that for a year, until I decided to run away. The Military Police found me and toke me to an orphange, St.Louis. That place was just as horrible as my home, the owners would abuse me and so did the kids. I started to fight back, and after every fight I came back up even stronger than before. It's why I have great strength! At least some good came out of it." I chuckled and continued "I became a criminal and eventually the mosted wanted criminal. Well the rest is a different story I guess..." I turned around to look at Eren, only to find him in tears.

"Eren! What's wrong?" I asked him worriedly. 'Im worried? About someone? Well that's new'

"I-im sorry...(F-F/N) that must have been horrible...." he wiped away his tears after sniffing.

I looked at him and sighed "Baka, you did nothing"

He looked at me with his watery eyes. "O-ok"

We stayed quiet for a moment, until I spoke up. "I don't like you Eren...."

He looked at me confused "w-what? Why?"

"Because you always drive me crazy with your cute expressions, and every time something happens you always say sorry. Also when I get close to you I always get these weird feelings, like my face would feel hot or my stomach would feel funny. And even my heart beats fast!" I sighed.

He began to laugh, really hard. 'What did I say funny?'

"(F/N) do you relize what you did?" He askes wiping away a tear.

"No?" I tilted my head confused.

"You confessed!" He scratched the back of his head nervously. "(F/N) I want to ask you something."

"Sure go ahead" I turned to look at him.

He exhaled then said "(F/N) I have know you for a little while, but I still don't know much about you. Even so, I'm willing to take that risk and ask you." He paused for a moment then continued "(F/N) I like you- no I love you. W-will you be my g-girlfriend?" He blushed crazy.

I thought for a moment then looked at his beautiful eyes. My face was on fire! And I thought that my heart was going to explode any second now. I quickly but hesitently answered "y-yes"

He smiled and tried to hug me, but he suddenly stopped.

"Eren...what's wrong?" I asked.

"You don't like hugs" he said standing up.

I stood up as well and sighed "fine only your an exception" I hugged him as he slowly wrapped his arms around me.

"Yay! I'm the happiest man alive!" He did a funny pose.

I sighed again. "Baka"


Done for now! I'm bored what should I do?

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