Chapter Thirteen

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~(F/N)'s POV~

I was trying to go to sleep in my room, but it was just too difficult. I keep rolling around in my bed trying to get comfortable but it was no use. 'Just go to sleep dammit'.

I hear some shuffling noises outside my window and I get up to look at it. As soon as I open the window a paper gets into my room, I pick it up and look out the window to see who was there, only to find nobody. I close my window and pull the curtains. I fire up my lantern and sit on my desk to read the paper.


(F/N). This is only a warning. Stay away from him. I'm pretty sure you know who I'm talkng about. Ignore this message and you'll be sorry. I am watching you, I'll always be watching you. Only 4 spaces can end this game.

-Alpe Trar


'Are they fucking serious? What's with this stupid game?' I crumbled the paper and threw it somewhere. I lay down on my bed finally falling asleep.


"Wake up!!" Tsubaki yells getting into my room. I groan and throw my pillow at her. I get up and start my daily routine.

"Morning (F/N)-chan!~" Eren hugs me from behind. He pulls away then leans in to kiss me. I grab his face stopping him from doing so. He looked a bit sad at my actions. I sigh and hold his chin, pulling him close and capturing his lips in mine. Our lips moved in sync until we parted away for air. I blushed furiously and crossed my arms.

"T-there happy now!" I continued to walk towards the training grounds.

"Yup!" He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Oi! You brats this is the training grounds not the make out grounds. Hurry and begin sparring!" Levi growls and glares at both of us. Eren seemed at bit afraid of Levi, I don't really know why but it was bothering me.

"Hey Levi! Quit scaring my Eren with that face our yours" I put an arm around Eren's waist and held him close to me protectivly.

"Tch. Filthy" Levi finally leaves.

"Man he's scary" Eren sighs. "How can you stand up to him like that without getting in trouble (F/N)-chan?"

I shrugged "I don't know"


"(F/N) come here" Levi calls me. I put down the rag I was cleaning with and walked towards him.

"What is it?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Tonight you are going to study on titans, you need to learn more about them. And since you're in my squad I have to teach you" Levi fixed his cravat.

"Hmph, fine" I crossed my arms. He walked away, and I continued doing my cleaning. I noticed Petra walking towards me.

"What did he say to you? Are you I trouble?" Petra asks. God she can be annoying sometimes.

"Nothing, he just said that I had to study more about titans and stuff" I ran my hand through my (H/C) hair.

"Oh ok" Petra smiles and walks away. 'Annoying brat....I sounded like Levi just now......fuck'

~Eren's POV~

I wanted to take (F/N) to watch the stars with me tonight. And I wanted to take her to our little secret spot. I smiled at the thought of it and began to skip like a kid, I accidently bumped into someone really hard and fell on the ground. "Ow...sorry" I get up and offer the person my hand. It was Petra from my squad.

"Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" she apologized.

"Oh no it's ok, It was my fault for running in the hall." I nervously scratched the back of my head. "Oh hey Petra, do you happen to know where (F/N) is?"

"Yep, she was talkikng to the captain about something they were doing tonight, I'm not really sure." She holds her chin.

My heart broke into pieces. '(F/N) and captain? No that doesn't make sense. He was probably just making her clean or something. Yeah that's it. Nothing big' I sighed and thanked Petra. I walked away from her, taking a turn into another hallway.

I spotted (F/N) sitting down against the wall. I was about to hug her till I saw that she was sleeping. Her sleeping face was the cutest thing I've ever seen! I sat down beside her, putting my arm around her and pulling her closer to me. I layed my head on hers.

"Please tell me its not true....(F/N)-chan"

~(F/N)'s POV~

I opened my eyes to find Eren sitting next to me. I think I fell asleep?

"Eren?" I yawned.

"(F/N)-chan!" He hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Hey can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I stood up and dusted my self. "What is it?"

"Can you come stargazing with me?" He pleaded with puppy eyes. 'Oh no, he's using his kawaiiness!'

"Sorry, but I'm busy tonight" I replied.

"With what?"



I looked into his eyes, sadness written all over his face. I sighed "what do you want me to do to make it up for you?"

He thought for a moment before answering "I want a kiss" he smiled.

I sighed again "you sure are troublesome" I smirked. I held his chin then tip toed to reach his lips. They moulded perfectly with mine until I felt him bite my lip making me gasp, he then entered his tounge into my mouth. I don't exactly know what happened but eventually we parted for oxygen. I looked at him and noticed that his face was red. I held my hand up to caress his cheek.

"I never thought that I would be in love with an idiot" I smiled. He suddenly gasped and covered his mouth. "What wrong baka?"

"(F/N) smiled!" He face lit up.


"That was the first time I've ever seen you smile (F/N)-chan!!" He hugged me.

"Oh yeah...I guess this is the first time I smiled in years..." I slowly hugged him back smiling again.


Hey Yui here! That was the nickname I was given so I'll just go with it I guess. So who do you think is going start trouble?  Who is this 'Alpe Trar' person? Who is going to get me my blanket??

Don't forget to Comment!


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