Chapter Two

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~(F/N)'s POV~

I closed my eyes due to the bright light, but I could hear some quick chattering die down. I slowly opened my eyes and was shocked when I knew where I was. The court.

The guards from earlier pushed me and commanded me to kneel so they can me lock me up. I gave them a quick glare and did as they said. I look around and notice the Military Police one side of the room, and the and the other side was....the Survey Corps? What are they doing here? Are they planning to kill me too!?

The judge, Dallis Zacklay, cleard his throat to get the peoples attention. I took a good look at him before I cringed in disgust. 'Ugh, he's probably one of those rich snobs!'

"Nice to meet you too, (F/N)" I guess he noticed my disgusted face.

"Now let's begin"

He picked up some papers and read them. "Your name is (F/N) (L/N) correct, and you were an orphan who had run away from St. Louis at the age of 7 correct?" He asked.

I was a bit angry, but I didn't show any emotion. "Corret." I could hear small gasps from the audience. Stupid people.

"Do you know why you are here today" Zacklay put his papers down and looked at me.

"So you can put an end to my life?" I answered. 'I knew that really wasn't a good response, but who gives a damn! They were gonna try to kill me anyways!'

"Now now, don't jump to conclusions. Military Police, state your complaints." He turned to the Military Police.

"Yes, Sir!" Said the leader. " (L/N) is on our top wanted list for commiting many crimes. She has great monsterous strength which causes us suspicion on who she really is..."

I scoffed at his words. 'Seriously, do they think I'm some sort of monster? They really are stupid'.

He cleard his throat with annoyance. "Her crimes are unforgivable, she has gone from small stealing to murdering innocents-"

"And since when did you know all about me?!" I interuppeted him. 'What the hell does he know about me?!'

"Let me continue (L/N)-" he tried to speak but again I cut him off.

"No! Let me continue! You think you know about me, when you don't! So why? Why do you keep lying?!" I was burning with rage. "(L/N), please calm-" Zacklay tried to calm me down but it just won't do.

"No! I won't calm down!" I yelled at Zacklay then turned my head to face the scared Military Police "Do you know why I commit these crimes? To survive! To live in this hell I was born into! I tried to live the way you think is 'Civilized' but that was just a bunch of bullshit! The only way to survive was to steal and kill!" I paused for a moment to catch my breath from all that yelling, I then spoke in a calmer voice. "When I try to live and move on in life, you stupid people keep chasing me around trying to kill me for 'living'! YOU HUMANS ARE MORE MONSTEROUS THEN THE DAMNED TITANS YOU TALK ABOUT!!"

The crowd went silent for a moment unitl the blonde man on the Survey Corps side raised his hand. Zacklay gave him permission to speak.

"I, Erwin Smith commander of the Survey Corps have a proposal to make. As a commander I would like to recruit (L/N) into the Survey Corps." Gasps filled the room.

"Wait you do realize how dangerous she is right! You can't just take custody of her and expect her to behave!" spoke up the leader of the Military Police.

"If we can handle the brat, then I'm pretty sure we can handle her too" Levi said in an annoyed tone.

"I have made my decision" announced Zacklay. "(F/N) (L/N) will live under the training of the Survey Corps." My eyes twitched at his words. 'Fuck my life' was my last thought before my trial ended.


Done for now!

When I finished making this I went and rewatched the court episode to see if I did the court right. And this chapter seems really similar with Eren's trial. Gomen!

St.Louis is some place I made up. I didn't know what I should've called it but, whateves.

So don't forget to Vote!



Ja ne!

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