Chapter Twenty Four

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~(F/N)'s POV~

Smoke, it blocked over view from the other side. The heavy foot steps have stopped, so I'm assuming that the Titan was stopped. I let out a deep sigh of relief, that I hadn't known I held in.

"Move a little further ahead and tether your horses, then switch to 3D Maneuever Gear." The captain ordered us "I'll be acting independently for a bit. Erd I'm putting you in charge." He look back at us "Keep Eren hidden an appropriate distance away from that Titan. Some one take care of my horse." He finished off before flying away on his 3D Maneuver Gear.

Eren watched as the captain left and he gasped as he probably realized something. "Could it be... They're going to capture it alive?" He turned to look at Petra and Oulo who had terrified but determined faces.

"See that Eren? Did you? We captured that Titan!" Gunther spoke.

"This is the strength of the survey corps! Don't underestimate us, stupid! Now do you see what we can do?" Oulo added.

But something was bugging me. I couldn't exactly explain it, but I had this feeling inside that something bad was gonna happen if we weren't careful...

Eren smiled at Oulo's words and responded "Yes, sir!"

We continued to ride our horses, to get a good distance away from the Titan.

~Time skip~

We tied up our horses to a tree, and stood on the branches of it.

"So that was his plan from the start!" Eren exclaimed grabbing my attention "That's it right? I can see why he kept it a secret from us new recruits, but why wouldn't he tell you when you've all been with the survey corps. For so long?" Eren asked.

"Shut up!" Oulo yelled at him.

"Are you implying that the commander and captain don't trust us?" Petra waved her swords at Eren.

I decided to ignore them for a bit and tried to answer the question myself 'Why would they keep it a secret from us? Why would they even want to capture that titan? Could it...?!'

"Eren!" I called out his name, it kinda felt a bit akward since we haven't talked to each other for a long time now.

He looked back at me and answered "Y-yes?"

"Earlier when the captain was speaking, he said something about you having some kind ability to turn into a Titan. Is that true?" I anxiously waited for his answer.

He stayed silent for a moment before he glanced at his hand ".....Yes, that's right." He looked back up at me, and it looked like he had prepared himself for a scolding.

"Uh..thanks" I said quietly looking down at the ground. The members looked a bit surprised for some reason. I sat down on a branch to rest and try to decode the actions of our leaders some more, trying to put the small pieces of information I have together. 'I've heard about humans turning into titans before but I didn't think it was real..Could that..titan possibly be a person? But why would they attack us..?'

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I could even feel sweat forming alongside my brows, since when did the weather get even warmer?

That's when it suddenly hit me 'Are they trying to capture the titan to see if it was a person?!' My eyes had widened by a small fraction. 'Is that why the wagons they were loading had those special equipments? I had learned all about their weapons, but never have I ever seen those. And the people who were loading them had the face of a dead fish..'

A loud booming screech erupted from deep within the forest, completly wrecking my train of thought. I looked around trying to find the source of the sound.

I could feel the rush of the adernaline pumping into my blood stream, I was scared and shaking, I felt as if I surrounded by danger.

~Time skip~

Blue flares arose signalling for everyone to retreat and back into formation. We began to gather our blades and putting our 3dmg back on properly. I'd finally calmed after no actual threat had been seen around our area.

"Will we really find out who it is?" Eren quietly murmured.

'So they knew? Or was I not paying attention again?' My lips formed a small pout.

"All thanks to you." Petra light heartedly responded.

"I didn't really do anything." Eren glanced at her.

"You had faith in us," Petra began again "This is the result of your choice to believe in us back then. Making the right choice isn't easy."

"Hey, don't pamper him, Petra.." Oulo retorted "He was pathetic. He just kept whining. Well coming back alive from your first expedition is a pretty good start. But it doesn't count until the mission's over. Listen up, kiddo! The expedition lasts until you're at home in bed..."

"Jeez, I know that!" Eren frowned at the older man.

We shot the thick wires of our 3dmg into a large tree as we began to fly off.

"Oulo! Petra! You guys pissed your pants and cried on your first mission. You're all grown up now!" Erd shouted as he faced back at us.

Petra let out a high pitched screech "What if he stops respecting me, Erd?!" She was practically panicking by now. And I had to stifle a laugh at that.

"Sure did," Erd mercilessly continued "And for the record, I didn't, Eren."

"Idiot! I've killed more of them than you!" Oulo began arguing, and I couldn't help but but let out a sigh of annoyance.

As the morons- um soliders continued shouting at each other a green flare shot up into the air.

"Oh, that must be the signal from Captain Levi." Gunther informered us. But something felt wrong, I know something just wasn't right but I couldn't point it out.

"We'll rendezvous with the Captain! Cut the chatter until we get back!" Gunther comanded us.

"Wait!" I yelled out, stopping them mid-air landing by some near branches.

"What is it now (F/N)?!" Oulo sarcastically replied.

"Something's wrong! It doesn't feel right, we're all in danger!" I shouted in sheer fright. The other looked at each in confusion before Erd let out a chuckle, walking towards me.

"Don't worry, we're fine it's just the Captain." He tried to help me calm down by putting his hand on my shoulder only to have it slapped away by me.

"No it's not the Captain please listen to me!" My voice broke on me much to my disappointment. I guess by the way I was suddenly alarmed and panicked Erd tried to think of a solution.

He took a step back and spoke.

"I don't know why you're being afraid of going back to the Captain, but if you're that scared you could stay a few feet behind us and if anything happens you should run away and immediatly report it alright?" Erd scratched his head as he gave me a small reassuring smile.

"But..what if-"

"There are no 'What if's, let's hurry so the Captain doesn't worry" Gunther said with furrowed brows and a small frown evident on his face.

Gunther then pulled out one of his flares and shot it into the blue sky.

All I could do was stare at the green smoke, slowly disintegrating into thin air, feeling nothing but anxiety.


For the lovely Fangirl_4ever101

A Tragedy I Was Born Into (Eren Jaeger x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now