Chapter Twenty Two

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Please read authors note at the end please~

~(F/N)'s POV~

[A/N: This is where my writing goes over 9000!] "Then you don't need to handle the pain anymore, Mikasa~" I whispered in her ear and gently stroked her hair. Her eyes widened and she stood there frozen. "I will take care of everything. You don't need to feel this horrible pain anymore. Just rest assured and everything will be okay~" And just like the devil, I lied to her with sweet words, slowly luring her into my trap.


[A/N: and this is where it sucks again] "(L/N)!" I heard a loud voice yell at me. I turned around and glared "What!" I harshly yelled back.

Levi snarled at me "Learn to respect your superiors cadet." I scoffed and crossed my arm "Whatever, what do you want? I'm busy!"

"Watch it!" He warned me so I stayed silent "Tomorrow we're heading out"

"Huh, what do you mean 'we're heading out?'" I raised an eyebrow waiting for his response.

He sighes and rubs his temples "Tomorrow we're going to leave for our expedition, so get ready brat" I was a bit taken aback. I didnt know that it'd be this early....

".....what day is it today?" I asked quietly.

"Tch check a date book" then he walked away. Leaving me standing there thinking of what I should do next.

~Next day~

I yawned as I got on Shiro, eyes watering slightly. I rubbed my eyes and looked around boredly. Everybody was lined up, getting ready to go to the "outside world".

Being in special ops squad can sometimes have its advantages and disadvantages.

Its advantages are being up front in rows of hundreds of people. Ok not the front front, but somewhere around it. Now I don't have to be so crowded by people.

The disadvantages are being up front! Sure I've had a lot of training since day one but I don't even know how a titan looks like. I've only seen diagrams and sketches of them in Hanji's room, and they all have different sizes for some reason.

"Pay attention!" Some random solidier told me.

I looked ahead of me and listened to people's shouts.

"We've driven all the titans out of the area. Thirty seconds until we open the gate!"

I took a deep breath and let it out.

"It's time! Humanity will take another step forward. Show me what you can do!"

We all cheered and the big gates slowly rised. Suddenly nervousness came down on me, but I tried to keep my tough facade.

Once the gates were high enough for us to pass through, Erwin yelled at the top of his lungs.


I whipped my reins that I held tightly onto, and Shiro neighed running behind the others.

"We will now begin the 57th expedition beyond the walls! Onward!"


Silence it was quiet execpt for the sound of horses running. We were going through a broken and destroyed town 'Is this-' my thought were interrupted when Hanji spotted a titan. I looked towards its direction and my eyes widened.

'What is this!? Why is it so big!? W-what!'

"Don't worry about that leave it to the cover team" Levi said not even glancing at me. I gritted my teeth and continued on, I didn't want to have bad thoughts. I knew exactly what my real goal was, so I'm not going to die just yet!


"Captian. Captain Levi!"

"What?" The said man answered.

I gave a small inaudible sigh. This isn't going well at all, our formation is all mixed up and I'm very confused, I'm not exactly sure what the orders are.

"What do you mean, "What?" We're in the forest! If just the middle section is in the forest, we won't know when the titans aproach!" Eren practically yelled at Levi. "And something seems to be approaching from the right! How are we supposed to avoid the titans or protect the wagons?"

"Dont ask such stupid questions. We can't do that anymore." Levi simply stated.

'What?! Why?' I refrained from asking questions.

"Why are we...."

"Look around you, Eren. A forest of ridiculosly huge trees." Levi began to explain and I heard a small gasp from Eren. "An ideal location to fight with our 3D Maneuver Gear. Now think with your sad excuse of a brain. If you dont want to die, get those gears turning."

'I see what you did there.....wait no time to be thinking that now!' I took a deep breath and let it out.

"Yes sir!" Eren said. He then started looking around 'whats going on in your head, Eren?' I quickly glanced at the others and saw the horrified look on their faces. 'Are you telling me that they don't know what's happening?!' I could feel the panic rising inside of me. Eren then looked back at me and I only raised an eyebrow at him, not giving into fear. He quickly turned his head to the front.

"Everyone draw your swords!" Levi took out his own "if that thing decides to show itself, we won't have any time." I got a firm grip on my swords with one hand and the other holding Shiro's reins.

'I don't exactly know why we're doing this, but since your a superior I'll follow your orders.'

Suddenly a soldier appeared. 'What's he doing th-' my thoughts were interrupted by loud foot steps. My eyes widended at the sight.

'W-what is this thing?!'


Hello everyone! Sorry for the late chapter, I was just being lazy and I also had to rewatch episode 17 and 18 cuz its all about the expediton and stuff. So I was thinking about changing the title of this book and its cover. Can you guys vote on which title sounds better? Here are the titles:

A Tragedy Called Love

My Tragic Love

A Tragedy I Was Born Into

Other? (Please comment a title you might have ^_^):

I wrote 1000 words and I'm so proud QuQ

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See you next Time~

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