Chapter One

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~(F/N)'s POV~

I was running. Running as fast as I could. I would make many twists and turns but they were still chasing me. 'Those bastards think they can catch me? Ha! Not a chance.' I make a final turn and found myself in a dead end. I looked around looking for ways to escape, but there were none.

'Damn I can't lose this easily!' I look around some more and found a metal pipe connectd to a wall. I quickly grab the pipe and with all my might rip it off the wall. I get in a fighting stance, getting ready for what was about to come. I heard many loud footsteps getting closer and closer to the alley I was in.

"Do not resist or we will not hesitate to use force!" the leader of the group shouts at me. "You guys have been chasing me all over the city almost everyday of my life! Do you really think I'd let you catch me that easily? Your damn right I'm gonna resist!" I shout back with pride.

One of the men ran towards me and try to attack me with his sword. I swiftly dodge and hit him in head with the metal pipe, causing a loud cracking sound coming from his head. I've killed many people before and I've seen dead people laying around the streets, so this was common for me I guess. I look down to see the now dead man, on the floor in a pool of his own blood. The next guy tries to attack but again, he has the same fate as his dead pal. I hold the bloody pipe, ready to kill the next person. But surprisingly, four men came up instead. I was confused at their actions, so I stayed still in my place.

The men had some weird stick thing that looked like it had handcuffs at the end. 'Was it some new equipment? I guess I'll have to find out after I get out of this situation' I smirked at the thought.

"You know, you've been the toughest criminal we've ever had to catch, and the thought of catching you was close to impossible." Said the leader.

"Thanks! I've been working out!" I say sarcastically.

The leader spoke once more "And thanks to this new technology we've developed, we're going to put an end to this silly game"

I raised an eyebrow questioning what he was talking about. Then in a split second I was held against the wall. I frantically look around to see that the four men had caught me using their equipment, each one holding either one arm or one leg. The leader laughed as I glared at him. My (E/C) eyes burning with rage. "Its over (F/N)." Then suddenly, pain flashed all over my body. The cuffs seemed to have some sort electricity shocking me. With one last glimpse of the group of men, everything turned dark.

~Third person's POV~

After (F/N) passed out the men quickly went to arrest her and take her limp body somewhere.

"Its finally over, sir." Said the youngest member of the group, looking at his leader with a relived sigh.

"It sure is son" he patted his back. Then yelled "the sooner we get this done and take her to the place, then the sooner we're going out for drinks!"

The men all cheered, as they picked up the dead bodies.

~A few days later~

"Hey when is she going to wake up!?" A women yelled jumping around excitedly and looking over the bars to see a beautiful and peaceful (F/N) sleeping.

"Shut it shitty glasses" a short man said behind her against the wall.

"Don't you think she's so cute! Look at her face shorty, look!" The woman squealed.

"TCH. Why would I want to look at some brats face? And I told you to stop calling me that shitty glasses" the man turned to look at the closed door.

"You know, she sorta reminds me of you when you used to be a thug!" She turns around to find the man glaring at her to death. She immediatly shuts up after that.

The two heard a groan from inside the cells and they both check out to see if the girl had woken up. You opened your eyes as you get up from the 'bed' only to find people staring at you, a short man with an intense glare and a woman who seemed like she's a maniac. You sit there silently as memories from the last time you were awake flooded into your mind. You sigh and turn to look at the wall beside you. "Pervs"

"What was that?" Asked the short man.

"I said Pervs" you glared at him and he glared back

"Now now honey what would make you think we're pervs?" Asked the woman.

You look at her before answering "because you've been watching a girl sleep for who knows how long".

The door opened revealing two men, a tall blonde man with an undercut and another strange man who seemed to be sniffing the room.

"It's time" said the blonde man. "Get her ready Hanji, Mike will help you. Levi your coming with me"

~(F/N)'s POV~

I was confused. 'What are they talking about? What are they doing? What's gonna happen to me?' The woman who the man called 'Hanji' unlocked my cell and I got out. As soon as I did she cuffed my hands behind me. "Hey! What are you doing? Where are you taking me?" I asked raising my voice a bit. We were now walking in an unknown hallway. "You'll find out!~" she sang. The strange man from earlier started to...sniff me? I stepped away from him. "That's Mike. Don't worry he only sniffs new people..." the man then smirked to himself looking satisfied. "...then he laughs after. I'm Hanji by the way!" She introduced herself to me, I didn't trust her so I kept quiet. "Here we are!" She said once more. "Good luck." She says with a series tone. Then the two left, leaving me in the hands of some guards. As soon as they opened the door a flash of light was all I could see before my eyes adjusted to the lights.


So how is it so far? I'm sorry that Eren won't be showing up for a little while.

Just so you know (F/N) is sorta like a Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara. She's also a Tsundere.

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