Back to the Pervert Castle

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Ryuji's POV:

The day continued as normal. Kamoshida would glare at me sometimes but other than that it was like any normal school day. What was that castle all about and how did it get there? When did it get there? What about that creature that called itself Morgana?

Was it okay? Was (L/N) okay? Wait why am I thinking about her again. Sure she was our club's manager but she wasn't anyone important to me not to mention she's Kamoshida's bitch similarly to my old friend Ann Takamaki. What do they see in him? He's just a douchebag.

I and the new guy Kurusu agreed on meeting up on the roof to try discovering that castle once again. I was sat in an old chair just waiting for him to show up. After a couple of minutes, the door squeaked open and there he was. He looked at me questioningly and waited for me to start speaking. I give him a quick debrief about Kamoshida and the rumors floating around about him. He stood there listening to everything I had to say.

"I'll come talk if I see you around. Don't ignore me, alright?"

And with that, I left the rooftop and headed back home. I couldn't stop thinking about that mysterious castle and the fact we almost died in there. Or the fact that (L/N) actually stood up for me. Maybe Kamoshida was the one using her and not the other way around? Ugh too much thinking and not enough gaming! I was never a smart cookie!

~The next day~

Third person POV:

Ryuji waited by the school gates after school to ambush Akira to try and find the truth behind that castle. More and more students came out but still no sign of Akira showing up. The moment Ryuji spotted his black curly hair in the crowd he jumped up from the wall and went in for the kill.


         "You waiting to ambush me?"

Akira questioned. Ryuji let out a snicker at his joke and took him by the arm in the alley nearby where people wouldn't overhear their conversation.  Ryuji began talking again, asking for Akira's help in finding that castle once again so they could uncover the truth behind it. With a small nod, the two began their adventure. However, they hadn't realized the girl that was listening in on their conversation. 

The two boys returned back to the spot they had first met the day prior and tried tracing their steps in the hopes of stumbling into the castle. They did it again and again and again but they always ended back up at the school. In defeat, Ryuji turns to Akira with a perplexed expression.

Akira began to take out his phone when Ryuji had a lightbulb moment 

"Hey that reminds me - didn't you have a navigation app thingy on, back then?"

Akira shook his head and looked back down at his phone. With Ryuji peering over his shoulder. They clicked on an app with a red eyeball and looked at the history of destinations.  Ryuji clicked on th 'Pervert Castle' and they have suddenly transported in front of the castle once again. 

Akira's clothes had also shifted into a different outfit. The one he used whenever his persona came out to the rescue. They both stared confused until Morgana had appeared in front of them once again.

"The shadows started acting up, so I came here wondering what it could be. To think you guys would come back to the entrance after you barely managed to escape."

He said whilst having his paws crossed around his body. After being given the rundown of the reality they were in once again, the three boys entered the castle once more seeking the truth. After searching around the castle they finally saw proof of Kamoshida's physical abuse. Students were trapped in the cells with different contraptions causing them pain and injuring them.

After memorizing their faces the three decided to return back to their own world and set out t get back out only to run into Kamoshida and a bunch of the guards. Kamoshida let out a maniacal laugh as he looked down at Ryuji.

"How stupid are you to return here once again. This time your guardian angel can't save you"

"My what!?"

"(Y/N) (L/N) was defending you the entire time, our deal was that as long as I stayed away from you I could do anything I wanted and she'd never tell the principal! It was hilarious how much she was willing to do for an idiot like you!"

Ryuji stared on confused. He didn't understand what was happening, the girl he believed betrayed him was actually protecting him whilst going through hell? At that moment one of the doors opened and she walked in skimpy lingerie. There was a collar around her neck with a leash hanging down.

Once Akira and Morgana were overpowered by the shadows Kamoshida ran up to the girl and kissed her in front of them. He placed his hands on her chest and laughed once again.

"You see Sakamoto this is what you do with bitches that are willing to throw themselves at you! She's nothing but a sex slave for me and as long as you're around she won't leave! She may be defying me now but her parents or the school can't do anything about it! Seeing the fear in her eyes the other day was so exciting!"

Kamoshida's hands roamed around the girl's body as she let out small moans. Ryuji's fury bubbled up once he realized the truth. Falling down to his knees he heard a quiet voice within his head. Everything around him had frozen on the spot and the voice said 

"You made me wait quite a while. You seek power, correct? Then let us form a pact. Since your name has been disgraced already, why not hoist the flag and wreak havoc? The 'other you' who exists within desires it thus... I am thou, thou art I... There is no turning back. The skull of rebellion is your flag henceforth!"

A skull mask had formed onto Ryuji's face and with a pull, it came off splattering blood everywhere. Blue flames had engulfed, forcing the guards to move away. A persona had formed behind Ryuji. Morgana and Akira had stood up ready to take their revenge on the shadows that had pushed them down earlier. As for Ryuji, he couldn't stop thinking about (Y/N) and the things she must have gone through for him.

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