Small Victories

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Third Person POV:

(Y/N)'s parents looked in awe at the two teenagers sleeping on the couch. Ryuji's arms were wrapped around the (H/C) haired girl's torso pulling her in close to his chest, whilst (Y/N)'s arms were sprawled around everywhere. Her hair was like vines, twisting and turning around both their bodies. The girl's mum stared on happy to see her daughter finally warming up to a boy whereas her dad had a dissatisfied look on his face yet remained silent.

The married couple walked off into their own bedroom to discuss the situation. The quiet murmurs of their voices through the walls woke up Ryuji, his chocolate brown eyes staring down at the sleeping beauty. His heart was thumping against his chest as he felt his ears tingle with warmth. (Y/N) stirred in her sleep and slowly began to wake up as well. Upon noticing the practically none existent distance between the two she let out a small yelp and used her hands to push Ryuji away.

The two fell off the couch onto the wooden floor and within a second (Y/N)'s parents were in the room with worried expressions. (Y/N)'s mum rushed to her side, examining her for any bruises whereas her dad stood sternly in front of her. His eyes never leaving Ryuji even for a moment. The blond boy gave a sheepish smile his face now fully red. 

"Are you okay darling?"

The girl gave a small nod towards her mum, the redness of her face matching that of Ryuji's. (Y/N) looked between Ryuji and her dad feeling a tad bit anxious. Her dad was overly protective of her even before the Kamoshida incident, and after he became very defensive of his little girl. Her dad began to speak towards Ryuji questioning his motives only to be interrupted by (Y/N). Her voice was quiet but smooth like honey, her (E/C) eyes darting around the entire room refusing to look at her dad afraid of his expression.

He let out a small, stressed, anxious sigh and relaxed a bit upon noticing the small change within his daughter.

"If you hurt her I swear to god I will make you regret the day you were born. You hear me, young man?"


His wife retorted as she smacked her husband's arm with an angry expression resting on her face. Letting out a sigh of her own, she gave a friendly smile to Ryuji and walked off with her husband at her side. He knew better than to further anger (Y/N)'s mum. (Y/N) and Ryuji were once again left all alone in the room, only their breathing being audible.

"I should probs get going huh?"

Ryuji remarked as he looked at his phone. He had a few missed calls from his mum and messages from the Phantom Thieves. (Y/N) gave a small nod as to acknowledge his remark but had no desire to let him go, instead, she wanted him to stay longer and hold her close once again. Ryuji gave her a sheepish smile and let out an awkward laugh as he began to head for the door. 

Your POV:

I watched as he turned his back to me and began to walk off towards the door. As usual, he had bad posture with his back curving making him appear shorter than he is. His blazer was scrunched up near the sleaves. His dyed blond hair was messed up yet still looked as soft as always. I watched as he slowly turned around and locked eyes with me, and at that moment it was like we were connected.

I could see all the regrets he held within himself and the guilt he'd hide. A smidge of fear was also hidden behind his beautiful brown eyes and without a second thought, I lunged at him with open arms. As I wrapped my arms around him, I could feel him stumble back a bit due to the impact. His own arms wrapped around my torso bringing me in close. I could feel the anxiety begin to slowly bubble up within my tummy, but I tried ignoring it.

I can't let it control my life, I can't let it hurt those dear to me! Ryuji released his grip and looked into my eyes. My heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest and instinctively I took a step back and looked down at the ground. Cursing at myself Ryuji's calming voice broke the silence between the two of us.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you... I really should get going before I do something stupid and my mum is waiting for me at home."

I squeaked out goodbye and watched as he left. The door shut with a loud thud and I just fell down to my knees. Everything around me began to spin and blur, my chest felt tight and restrictive. 

Third Person POV:

(Y/N) laid on the floor struggling to breathe as the world around her crumbled in her eyes. A few minutes passed and her parents found her after calling her multiple times with no response. Her mother offered comforting words whilst her father prepared a hot chocolate and got some of her favourite snacks. He hated seeing his little girl like this.

Being able to do so little for his world absolutely broke his heart especially after seeing her so close to a guy from school. He could feel his own heart breaking a little with a slow dejected feeling coming up. He had been absolutely useless in all his efforts of helping his precious little daughter yet some boy has managed to make more progress then he ever has.

He knew he had to accept this small victory and be happy for (Y/N) whilst hoping he could soon see her smile return to her face, and be able to embrace her again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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