Change of Heart

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Third Person POV:

The school had summoned all the students for an emergency assembly, which (Y/N) had decided to attend. A letter had been sent to her by the so-called 'Phantom Thieves' informing her that she could return to school safely and not worry about Kamoshida. She re-read it a thousand times and continued to wonder why this was sent to her but she still decided to attend. The moment her friends laid eyes on her they jumped towards her, pulling her down to the ground.

Her homeroom teacher approached the group of giddy looks and trained her eyes on (Y/N). She lent out her hand which (Y/N) refused as she stared down at the ground. With a sigh, the teacher patted her shoulder and left them alone. A small smile made its way to (Y/N)'s lips. Any time a guy so much as looked in her direction she pulled her jacket hood up and looked the other way.

One guy, in particular, had decided to approach the meek girl only to be stopped by none other than Ryuji Sakamoto. Ryuji glared at the guy as he placed himself in the middle of (Y/N) and the guy. His eyes were locked onto the guys challenging him to take another step, to which the guy declined and walked the other way. This had gone unnoticed to (Y/N) as her eyes were trained on the ground.

Ann looked around the crowd of people and briskly walked when she had spotted her target. She made sure her footsteps were loud as to not surprise (Y/N) and scare her off. (Y/N)'s friends looked at Ann and gave a small nod as they moved to the side. Ann placed a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder and showed her a welcoming smile.

"Hello there (L/N) - San. It's nice to see you back in school."

In return (Y/N) pryed her shoulder away from Ann and gave a weak smile. She couldn't trust anyone but her circle of trusted friends. She shot Ann an apologetic look and entered the hall with her friends. Most students had already lined up and were quietly murmuring amongst one another trying to figure out what was the reason behind the assembly. Once everyone was in Principal Kobayakawa stepped on stage and began speaking only to be interrupted by Kamoshida. Terror struck (Y/N) as she began to back away from the stage.

Students gave her weird looks but she was too out of it to realize the eyes on her. Her body felt limp and she soon collapsed to the ground. Her breathing was uneven as she heard her own heartbeat thumping. People tried to grab onto her and ensure she didn't hurt herself but she only flailed around terrified. Kamoshida looked at her and then began spilling the truth. 

Some students took out their phones and recorded his confession whilst others filmed (Y/N)'s freak reaction. Ryuji made his way to her and embraced her. She continued to push against him, thrashing around but he didn't weaken his grip. With one hand he began to rub circles into her back and whispering comforting words into her ear. 

Your POV:

The moment I layed eyes on him I panicked. The world around me began to spin and it felt like all eyes were on me. It didn't take long for me to crash onto the ground and lose any control I once had. It felt like my lungs were refusing to accept any air I was breathing in and like my own heart wanted to jump out. I felt the touches of people against my skin and I could only push away from them.

They only want to harm me, to hurt me again and I don't want that. I want to be back home. I couldn't hear anything and the world was still spinning so I shut my eyes. I felt someone's arms wrap around my whole body, which made me punch and push but I couldn't get away. I could feel their hand slowly begin to rub circles on the small of my back. At first, it was as quiet as a mouse, a voice saying something. Training my focus on the voice I could hear words of comfort. My body began to slowly untense but I didn't dare to open my eyes.

There was something holding me back, something telling me to keep them shut and continue to listen to the mystery voice. I could feel myself get pulled up, I opened my eyes to see my friends holding onto me. I gave them a weak smile and looked back at the stage. I couldn't believe what was happening. Kamoshida was apologizing and asking for forgiveness as he stared straight at me. He inched closer only to be stopped by the principal. 

It was only then that I noticed everyone was looking between me and that bastard. A hand was placed on my back which urged me to speak. I looked amongst my group of friends and they all gave me a small nod with a smile as their grip on me tightened. I looked back up at the stage with my new confidence and I began to talk.

"You'll never be forgiven for what you did to me and countless others! It's now your time to rot in jail whilst you think about everything you've put us through."

"You're right. I don't deserve forgiveness in the first place! I should just kill myself right now!" 

The students around us gasped whilst our principal attempted to take Kamoshida away from the stage. Kamoshida had his pressed against the stage as he stifled his own cries. Everyone's attention was turned to the girl Ann Takamaki as she shouted

"Don't run, you bastard! Shiho's still alive even after all the things that made her want to die! (L/N) is still here even after all your harassment and manipulation! You don't have the right to run from this!"

He began blabbing on about handing himself to the authority whilst we were ushered back to our classrooms. Many people gave me pity looks whilst others apologized for the mean words they had been saying whilst I wasn't there. I searched around for Takamaki - san so I could thank her for what she said and apologize for ignoring her when she was having a tougher time but sadly I couldn't find her.

I met eyes with Ryuji who only gave me a small smile as he walked off with the new guy. I could feel a small blush form so I stormed over to the classroom with my friends holding onto me. I may still be terrified of guys but having my friends made things much better.

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