Mental Scars

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Your POV:

The closer and closer I got to his office the more my blood boiled in anger and frustration, closing my eyes just for a second I once again bashed into a person. I felt someone's harsh body slam into mine forcing me back to the ground and soon after a loud shout was thrown into at me.

Reopening my eyes, trying to regain my senses, I realized I had bumped into Kamoshida himself his raging eyes were glaring down at me. His hands wrapped around the collar of my shirt and I couldn't help but notice his veins popping out demonstrating his raw strength. Once his eyes landed on mine it felt like he had realized who I was. 

                                                                                                            "Sorry about this (L/N)-San. I thought you were somebody else."

                                                His grip loosened, letting me back down on the ground. He scoped the area, with me joining in, realizing there was no one in the practice building for some odd reason. Eyeing me up he focused around my chests and I could hear his breath fasten, getting heavier and louder. His hand moved around to the small of my back as he began pulling me towards his office and at this. I tried pulling my arm away from him but I couldn't get free.

"First Takamaki ignores me and now you! You should be grateful for everything I've done for you!" 

           His harsh tone forced the hairs on the back of my neck to rise, with fear slowly creeping up on me. His grip tightened on my hand, getting stronger and stronger with every second. My breathing became fast and short and I could feel my flight or fight responses kicking in. The fight response winning as I swung my free hand towards his face.

Unfortunately for me, he caught it with ease, quickly letting go of my other hand. From the corner of my eye, I saw him form a fist and soon enough it made contact with my face. Sending me back on the ground, but I was kept up by his clutch on my hand.

                                                                                                                          "You promiscuous bitch!"

He spat in my face. Hearing a noise down the corridor I looked up hopeful but he once again grabbed me by the collar. Forcefully dragging me to his office, the door swung shut and I could hear him lock it.  At this point I was like a frightened rabbit huddled in the corner, I was naive to even think I could do anything to him. I know exactly what he's like and that he's not afraid to hit a student.

I know that all too well. Recalling everything that happened to Ryuji I could feel my blood boiling once again. Glaring at his general direction I forced my body back up. His figure stalked the door, his ear pressed against the wood. Taking this moment I ran at him forcing my fist into his gut.

He fell to the ground holding his stomach, as he made pained noises, I managed to grab and push him away from the door unlocking it and making a run for it. I never knew I had that kind of strength within me. I never expected to bring any teacher down to the ground especially not someone who was an ex olympist. The more you know huh?

Third Person POV:

The girl continued running until she made it back to her classroom, breathing heavily with an erratic movement of her chest as oxygen could finally flow back in. Everyone in the classroom stared at her perplexed as to what had occurred. The spot on her face where she had been punched was now a dark purple colour, slowly but surely swelling up.

Unknown to her a certain blond boy had kept his eye on her as she had previously traversed through the speed faster than the roadrunner. Slowly pushing past people she made her way to her desk pushing her whole weight on the dark and old wood. Her fatigue kicking in as she finally could analyse everything that had just happened. One of the chairs scraped against the floor with a different girl preparing to get up and make her way towards (Y/N) however, unfortunately, the bell rung loudly signalling the end of lunch.

The teacher walked in quieting the class and beginning with their lesson. For the entire time (Y/N) would constantly look around, expecting to see Mr Kamoshida angrily staring at her. She was now one of his targets similarly to Ryuji Sakamoto and the unfortunate Akira Kuruso. Fully aware of her new circumstance she was preparing to make a sprint for it back home and get as far and fast away from the school as possible. 

The girl was forever scarred, the memories of being exploited by a man forever engrained within her brain. As the lesson unfolded (Y/N)'s conscious slipt further and further away from getting stuck on every time Mr Kamoshida had tried to do things. He had never succeeded further than 'accidental' touches but that was enough. The thought of ruining the life of the one dearest to her and being exploited heavily on her mind. 

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