Why am I feeling like this?

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Third Person POV:

Ann and (Y/N) were out of sight, which worried Ryuji very much. Akira's voice went in one ear and out the other without much of an acknowledgment from his friend. He quickly gave an apologetic look to the raven-haired boy and gave a goofy smile confused at his own anxious feelings. 

"I'm sorry man, I dunno whats overcame me. I'm just worried about (L/N)-san is all.

"I'm sure she'll be fine. She's with Ann after all. Anyways, who should we target next? Morgana and I have been searching but are yet to come up with a suitable next target."

Ryuji gave a carefree shrug as he once again scanned their surroundings hoping to see a certain strand of (H/C) hair around only to be disappointed when he didn't see it. Akira placed his hand on Ryuji's shoulder and gave him a small smile. Ryuji took it and smiled back with a pained expression. Whenever (Y/N) wasn't around he felt like a part of him was gone but he couldn't explain why. A few months ago he hated the girl's guts and wished everything bad on her but now, he wanted nothing more to make her feel safe.

"Maybe this is my own way of making me feel better ya know? Clear my guilty conscious."

Akira shrugged in return as he looked around. There was no one around them but the wildlife that had scattered around the school. 

"You're not that type of guy. I don't think that you're just trying to clear your conscience."

"I treated her so bad dude, whilst she has been protecting me this whole time. Yet I was a prick who never even bothered to hear her side of the story. And now I'm being selfish by trying to undo my wrongs."

Akira looked at Ryuji, his brown eyes stuck to the ground fascinated by the dirt and gravel beneath them. Morgana poked his head out of Akira's bag and grimaced at the sight in front of him. His blue eyes scanned his surroundings as he hopped out unnoticed and began searching around the school.

Akira tried his hardest to soothe Ryuji and assure him that he wasn't a selfish prick but nothing he said affected the blond boy. Tears were threatening to spill out of his brown orbs until he felt a weight against his own back. 

~In the meantime~

Your POV:

Ann and I were sitting on a bench as we chatted away about our experiences. She was gleaming with happiness as she explained in great detail how good of a person Shiho is but was saddened once again when the realization hit her - Shiho may never wake up. I gave her a small hug and rubbed circles on her back trying to soothe her. She pulled away and gave a weak smile as she went back to talking.

"And then stupid Ryuji never gave me the money back for that souvenir."

I let out a small chuckle as my eyes met hers. She was gorgeous and had a beautiful personality to match. I can't believe I held feelings of jealousy towards someone like this. But it's obvious that Ryuji has feelings for her. As much as it pains me to admit it. It was as if she read my mind when she spoke

"I don't know what you see in that ape (Y/N)-Chan. He's definitely not attractive neither does he have the brains or the brawns."

She gave a disgusted look just considering how attractive Ryuji was.

"But when he gets serious he's like a whole other person. The way he was on track. He kept trying and trying until he perfected what he struggled with the day before and was always kind to his friends. He's a goof too. I don't need someone whose strong or attractive. All I want is for someone to make me laugh and feel safe."

She was staring at me as I spoke with such intent. With a light giggle, she embraced me and wished me luck. 

"Though I'm pretty sure I'd get rejected the moment I said anything. What if he still hates me but wants to make me feel better?"

"He may go overboard sometimes but he's not the type to do that. I'm sure he genuinely wants to be friends... maybe more?" 

She retorted playfully with a wink at the end. I slapped her hands away as I felt a blush creep onto my face. Ann took that as an invitation to continue her teasing when she stopped out of nowhere. I followed her train of sigh and landed on a little black cat with white going towards its belly. I got some food out of my bag and tried calling it over.

The cat approached us and started pawing and meowing at my leg, it was such a cute sight. I wrapped my arms around its little body and brought it onto my lap. Ann looked at me and quickly said 

"That's Akira's cat. I wonder why he's here."

As if the cat understood, he began meowing back almost like a conversation. Ann abruptly stood up and grabbed onto my arm. For someone who has a small build, she sure has a lot of strenght. She followed the cat that had fallen off my lap through the different hallways until we stopped at one. Ann pressed her index finger to her lips signaling to be quiet when she looked around the corner.

Sakamoto and Kurusu were facing one another, a solemn tone between the two. I could barely hear what Sakomoto was saying but I could tell something had rattled him. His shoulders were slumped over in defeat and he was staring at the ground. Ann placed her hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile. Slowly I walked up to him and his pain became more and more visible. I stopped a few steps before I could reach him as I felt my own heartbeat against my chest.

I was afraid to get any closer. But that never stopped Sakamoto from helping his friends, no matter the pain or fear he went through. He would have helped me if I was in his shoes. Gulping down a load of saliva I threw my body onto his and brought him close. I could feel his muscles tense beneath me, and quite sobs were now audible. His legs gave up beneath him and we both dropped to the ground. 

Third Person POV:

Akira and Ann had snuck away leaving the two alone, guarding the corridor to ensure no one walked in. Ryuji turned around to face (Y/N) as he couldn't believe she was hugging him. He could feel her shake like a leaf beneath him but her fear didn't stop her from holding him tight. Ryuji's right hand snaked around her back and pulled her in tight. He placed his head on her shoulder as he just let his feelings out. 

Tears were streaming down his face whilst quiet sobs escaped his parted lips. (Y/N) moved her hand in a calming manner as she rubbed circles in the small of his back.

"Everything will be alright Sakamoto-kun. It may feel like things are bad right now but it's bound to eventually get better. After a storm, there is a beautiful rainbow in the sky. It just takes time."

He murmured something, something unadiable to (Y/N) but she continued to speak in a calm voice. Her body began to rock back and forth as she hummed to a lullaby. Ryuji listened intently whilst his own heart was running marathons. Time went on and the two stayed embraced, Ann had come round the corner to find both of them sound asleep. 

She took her phone out of her bag and snuck in a picture.

"All is well that ends well right Lady Ann?"

Ann nodded at Morgana with a smile.

"Thanks for getting us, Morgana. It seems like that idiot has finally calmed down."

"I just want the old Ryuji back. The goofy happy one and the one I deduced could help was her. It was a good thing the two of you were together or I don't know what I would have done."

Akira and Ann returned to the same spot once school was done to find the two were still holding onto one another. Ann gawked at them whilst Akira woke them up and informed them it was the end of school. (Y/N) pushed herself away whilst Ann gave her a reassuring smile and nod. Today was a very emotional day for the group.

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