Visiting Hours

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Your POV:

It's been about a week since I disobeyed Mr. Kamoshida. I've stayed at home the entire time and refused to see anyone but my parents. I was so lucky to have such caring parents that allowed me to do this sort of thing. The parents of the volleyball club didn't seem to care about the constant bruises their children keep receiving. I can't believe how no one has done anything about it.

I wonder how Ryuji is doing. Last I saw of him he was in trouble with the new guy. Hope people are treating him right as well, he doesn't look like the type to commit a crime but I guess you can't judge a book by its cover. I peered outside my doovey and spotted a tray of food with a cup of water next to it on the ground.

The blanket fell down from the bed and I slowly walked up to grab my food, I understood how patient my dad is being since I feel too uncomfortable with any guys and he understood and has kept his distance. He would send me messages every few minutes to make sure I was fine and it made me happy.

Third Person POV:

(Y/N) chowed down on her food enjoying it whilst Ryuji attended school as normal. He was fueled by his rage and fury for Kamoshida, he manipulated him forced (Y/N) to avoid school and hurt Ann, and forced a girl to jump off the roof. He looked out the window and stared at anyone that walked by.

The lesson was too boring for him and he could only think about whether Kamoshida will have a change of heart. He questioned whether they did everything the way it was supposed to be done and they didn't accidentally kill him. That was the last thing he wanted. His phone began buzzing and he looked down to see a message from his mum.

Mum: Hey Ryu can you please pick up some groceries from the shop today?
Ryuji: Of course, just txt me what you need and I'll pick it after school
Mum: Thanks Kiddo

Ryuji smiled to himself as he placed his phone back in his pocket. He couldn't help but feel happy that he was able to help in any way he could. Especially now that she's raising him all alone and he didn't want to be a liability. He was happy to help even if it was something as simple as picking up the groceries.

The bell had finally rung releasing him and the rest of the students from the prison known as school, he swiftly got up and went to leave only to be stopped by a teacher. 

"You must be Sakomoto. From the old track team?"

Ryuji appeared to be irritated once the track team got brought up but still nodded and listened.

"I'm gonna need you to take these sheets to (L/N)'s house for me."

"Why me!? Wouldn't it be better if one of her friends did it?"

The teacher sighed and gave him a serious look.

"Her time was mostly spent in the track team so I presumed you two were close. Considering she was constantly defending and helping you out. I thought that for once you might wanna do something back for her."

Ryuji grabbed the sheets from the Teachers hand and waited to be given an address. He messaged in the Phantom Thieves group chat about being busy today and he left the school. On his way over to the house, he began feeling anxious and worried whether (Y/N) would even want to see his face. Now that he knew the truth he couldn't help but feel guilty about the way he had treated her.

Especially considering the way Kamoshida was treating her. Thinking about it again made his blood boil and he picked up the pace. Once he was outside her door he pressed the doorbell and waited. A few seconds later it was opened but (Y/N)'s mother. She gave a small smile and welcomed the boy inside.

Ryuji walked into the house and was led towards the living room. He sat down on the couch and was left alone for a few minutes. (Y/N)'s mother returned with two drinks in hand.

"How can I help you uhm..."

"Sakamoto. Ryuji Sakamoto. I'm here to give (L/N) her work from school. How is she?"

"She's doing alright. Hasn't really spoken to anyone but thank you for bringing the work Sakamoto-Kun. I can see if she wants to talk with you?"

"That's alright but thank you. I hope she gets back to school soon."

"As long as that teacher is there I doubt she'll be going back."

In the meantime (Y/N) decided to leave her room for a bit. Her hair was messy and she was still in her Pyjamas. She grabbed the plate from her bedside table and headed downstairs. Once she opened the door to the living room she spotted Ryuji just sitting on the sofa. Her face became super red as the blood rushed over to it, in the process, she dropped the plate.

Everyone's attention turned to her and the girl sprinted back upstairs. Ryuji looked hurt as he looked back at her mother.

"I should probably get goin..."

"I'm sorry about her. She's like this with every guy right now - even her own dad."

"That's fine I understand. Thank you for the drink and I hope she gets better. Kamoshida will get his ass busted."

Ryuji was walked to the door and he gave a small bow as he left. He sped over to the convenience store and got the groceries his mum had asked for. 

Your POV:

I can't believe Ryuji came over mine whilst I look like trash! Oh god I need to sort out my hair and fix my clothes. Let's start with a shower and see what else I can do. I wonder what castle he was talking about with the new boy the other day.  I can so see Kamoshida being a king in a castle anyways lets get clean!

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