Chapter 16.

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After I left Zayn's house, I was outside my house still in the car rapidly rapping on the steering wheel. I don't know what the fuckI was doing, but I think what Zayn had said earlier has gotten to me. 

"...You like him, you know you do!"

Did I really see, Harry that way? I mean, I get all giddy when I see him or notice a text from him but everyone get like that with friends, right? Right. 

I glanced down to the passenger seat and grabbed my phone. All the text messages and miss calls, even voicemail were from Harry. My eyes widened and I immidiately called him back. What if something happened to him? After 5 rings he finally asnwered and my voice came out shaky and in panic. "Harry? What's the matter, are you okay? Did something happen?!"

He chuckled from the other end, "No, I was worried about you I called and left message but you never answered."

I sighed in relief and a slight blush crept to my face. "Sorry, I must've left it in my car..." There was a long pause on the other end and both of us stayed silent. "Um, why did you call me anyway?"

"Oh..I was just wondering if you wanted to come over, but you know, it's already too late. Plus, we have school tomorrow."

I nodded but forgot he couldn't see me. "Yeah, maybe next time. Goodnight, Styles."

"Godnight, Livvy."

I hung up the phone and ran inside my house, making sure not to wake up my grandmother. I changed into some comfortable clothing and crawled in my bed and dozed off to sleep.


Just a couple more days till Paris, you can do this Olivia. I lightly banged my head on the table at English class. I kept on groaning and fidgeting a lot. "Olivia." whispered Stacy. Yes, Stacy is in my English class AND government class, which means she is coming to Paris with the class. Stacy is quite nice, a little too cheery at times but everyone has grown a liking to her. I snapped my head up at her with a blank expression. "The teacher's coming."

My eyes widened and I immidiately sat straight up. "Ms. Matthews is there a problem?" 

I sighed and stood up. "Yes, this class blows. You can't teach for shit, you tend to go off topic, also you bore the class to death." I smiled at Mr. Simpson who clenched his teeth and cross his arms over his chest.

The rest of the class was silent, "Detention for 3 hours, today afterschool!" He huffed in annoyance and walked back to the front of the classroom. I rolled my eyes and looked at Stacy.

She slowly shook her head in disappointment and I shrugged. Lunch finally came around and Stacy followed me towards our table. Her eyes widened and a huge grin was plastered on her face. "Oh my god! It's h- him again!"

I looked to where she was looking at and all I saw was Harry, standing in line to get his lunch. His curly hair was messier then ever, he looked like a goddess and he didn't even have to try. "You see him too, yeah?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Who?"

She sat closer to me and pointed towards, Harry. My eyes widened and I looked at her. "You like, Harry?!" I said slightly raising my voice, which caused people to snap their heads towards us.

She nodded and clapped her hands. "Yeah, I saw him at our Government class and may I just say that I would love to get a piece of that sweet ass."

Anger swirled like a red tied in me, my breathing became harsh and shallow, my hands automatically rolled up into a tight fist, itching to swing out at this bitch. The sudden thought of the action was stopped when, Paige, Zayn and Louis came over. 

"Woah, Livs. You alright there?" asked Paige as she rested her hand on my shoulder.

I nodded quickly and released my hands from the tight fist. Everyone sat around the table and started to converse in a conversation. I was still a little ticked off, Stacy and Harry....I don't see that happening! I watched as she stared at Harry with a smile, I nudged her a little causing her to snap at me. I shrugged and mouthed out, "Oops." 

Her eyes lit up and saw Harry walking towards us. "Hey, guys." He flashed everyone with a smirk exposing those dimples. "You don't mind if I take a sit here would you?" 

"Go ahead, mate." said Louis who pointed towards an open seat next to Stacy. You've got to be fucking kidding me!

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