Chapter 13.

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Harry's POV

I remembered yesterday's events, Hallie had broken up with me. She said that she was seeing someone else. We have been together for four years and finally all those years with her are now just memories. I couldn't breathe, everything hurts, emotionally and physically. I didn't feel like being around people, I was nowhere near transcending anywhere. But once that blonde haired and blue eyed beauty, came into the bathroom. I was no longer feeling sad. Just hearing her name made me back to normal.

The way she had pulled me into a tight hug, the way she rubbed my back and told me it was going to be okay, made me forget. And oh god, the way those plum soft lips pecked my cheek in a feathery light kiss made tingles run around my body and butterflies in my stomach occured.

The rest of the evening we ran around the park like children, but that time I didn't even care if I was missing my classes. Something about this blue eyed beauty made the pain and sadness wash away. I should be weeping and crying my heart out about Hallie, but it feels like a massive weight on my shoulder was lifted.

The sun peeked in my bedroom window, lighting my hair like a fiery halo. I lifted my head off the pillow and my immediate instinct were to call Olivia. But I decided against it and got dressed for school.

I rushed downstairs towards the kitchen and my mother was sitting on one of the bar stools, reading a newspaper. She looked up at me,"Harry, the school called. You missed the rest of your classes in the afternoon!"

I sighed and slowly walked towards her."Mom, Hallie broke it off with me." She raised her eyebrows and she frowned.

She opened her arms and ran up to give me a hug."Oh, Harry. I'm sorry." She kept on kissing my cheek and rubbing small circles on my back.

"Mom, I'm fine. But, I have been meaning to tell you something. Our government class is going to be taking a trip to, Paris to learn about their government and how it differs from us."

She pulled away from the hug and gave me a soft smile. I watched as she walked back to sit on the bar stool and took a sip of her coffee."When is the trip?"

"Next week."

She pinned her lips into a thin line and looked at the counter."Okay, you can go! But, promise me you stay with the group and not wonder off!"

I smiled widely and rushed to her pecking her cheeks."Thank you!"

She padded my back and we both laughed."Get to school, I don't want you missing another class."

"Yes, ma'am." I kissed her on the cheek one last time and grabbed an apple to go.

I rushed my way through traffic and I could have sworn I ran a red light. I parked my car under an oak tree and rushed inside. I tried to spot Olivia around the hallway and even made a quick stop at her locker but I didn't find her. I rushed to class, hoping that she would already be there and just my luck she was.

She was sitting on top of her desk and talking to, Paige. They were both giggling at something and I approached her from behind and snaked my arms around her waist. That's what friends do, right? She looked startled and smacked my shoulder."Don't scare me like that!" Paige and I laughed and Olivia rolled her eyes.

"You're okay, right?" I nodded and sat down on my seat as Mr. Baldwin walked in.

I stole a few glances at, Olivia and hoped I wouldn't get caught, but Paige would catch me staring and throw spitballs at me. I don't why but I just couldn't help but stare at Olivia, I wondered if she stole glances at me or smiled when I crept into her mind.

Maybe it's possible that I might be falling for her? But I have to stop thinking that way, everyone knows that Olivia is not the "relationship" type of girl. But maybe if I tried a little, she might just change her mind?

"Mr. Styles you want to answer this question?"

I snapped my head up to Mr. Baldwin, how long had I been staring at Olivia? I cleared my throat before speaking."Sorry, what was the question?"

"I asked, describe pigeonhole." Mr. Baldwin crossed his arms and tapped his foot against the floor.

Pff. Easy, I already went over the syllabus for the class and I am 1 week ahead. "Pigeon hole is not letting a bill pass through a committee onto the legislative floor."

"Correct, now pay attention and stop making goggly eyes at, Ms. Matthews." My eyes widened and I looked back tp find Olivia giggling with Paige along with the rest of the class. I tried to hide the idiotic grin that was creeping onto my face and turned back around.

Lunch finally came around and I sat at my usual table. Hallie came and sat down with us as well, but I didn't mind. I gave her a soft smile,"Harry, can I talk to you?" I nodded and followed her outside.

Hallie had her back turned towards me ane she took a deep breathe before turning towards me."I am so sorry that I did that to you. Didn't you feel like we have grown apart?"

It was true, I did feel that way but I was too afraid to admit it. Everyday it was like we were drifting apart. I wasn't scared of losing her as a girlfriend, I was afraid of losing her as a friend."Yes, I felt it deep inside but I was just afraid to admit and say it because I don't want to lose you as friend."

Tears started to run down her cheeks and she quickly wiped them away."I don't want to lose you as a friend either." I pulled her into a hug and I think it's definitely best for us to stay as friends. "Plus, I see how you stare at Olivia. You clearly have feelings for her."

I smile crept onto my face just by hearing her name."I don't really know if I feel that way for her..."

Hallie rolled her eyes,"Harry, you stare at her the way you used to stare at me. Or how I would stare at chocolate. It's obvious you like her, just admit it!"

Maybe I do like Olivia, but so what. Like I said, she doesn't date...

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