Chapter 17.

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Harry's POV

As I walked towards the open seat next to a blonde, who I saw in my Government class by the name of Stacy. She squeeled when I sat down, I glanced over at Olivia, wishing I was next to her. I watched as she tensed up and her hands were rolled up into fists. 

"Hi, Harry. I'm Stacy, I am in your Government class."

I gave her a small smile, "Yeah, I know. How are you enjoying this school so far?"

She scooted closer to me,"Fabulous now that I have met you." I chuckled slightly, you have no idea how many times I have heard a guy say that to a girl. It became cheesier everytime I heard it. I wouldn't even call it flirting.

She placed her hand on my wrist and scooted even closer to me, I have personal space! But, I wouldn't tell her that because she seems like a really nice girl and I don't want to hurt her feelings. I forced a smile, "Oy! Looks like you two might be getting together!" yelled Louis, throwing a piece of lettuce at us. 

I rolled my eyes, Zayn and Louis started to make kissy faces. Olivia was quiet, she stared blankly at the ground. "Hey, do you mind if we switched seats?" I whispered to Stacy.

"Oh, that's fine." As we switched places, I scooted the chair closer to Olivia then intended. She didn't look up at me, she just kept on staring at the ground. 

I poked her on the side causing her to jump. "Don't do that!" She smacked me on the shoulder. 

"Do what?" I asked innocently, "You mean this?" I repeated the action several of times, causing her to fall off her seat. Everyone stared at us and Livvy laughed softly and glared at me. 

She got off the floor and grabbed her things. "You goof." She left the table without another word and I excused myself and followed her. 

I closely follow behind her as she entered the school's library and walked to the back. I peeked from the corner and saw Olivia grabbing several of books and sitting down. It still surprises me how this girl, who loves to party and drink, can still enjoy books. I tip toed from behind ad snatched the book from her grasp causing her to groan. "Harry, come on! Just give it to me." I smirked and she widened her eyes from what she had just said. "I - I didn't mean it that way! Just give me the book." She pouted her lips and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

I had the urge to give it back to her, but I wanted to act like a child and play with her. I looked up at the book and smirked. This could be the stupidest thing I have ever said. "You..." I left the sentence unfisnished as I flipped through the pages of the book, "have to kiss me first."

Olivia's POV

Kiss him?! This has got to be a joke. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "Shut up, Styles. Just give me the book." 

I reached for it one last time, but he held it up high. "I'm not kidding..." he chuckled. 

By the look on his face, he seriously wasn't kidding. I groaned, "I'll just read another book, I have already read that one like 3x." That's a complete lie, I have been asking the librarian for the last couple of weeks for that book and it's always checked out. I slowly started to walk away from him, waiting for him to say something, but instead I just heard him chuckled. 

"This seems like an interesting book. I think i'll read it..."

My eyes widened and I snapped my head at him. "Fine! Give me the damn book first." I snatched it away from him and held it to my chest. "You're so childish, Styles." 

I stepped closer and bit my lip. I watched as he closed his eyes and leaned towards me. I felt butterflies in my stomach, my heart started to beat faster, and my palms became sweaty. This is the first time this has happened to me. So, my first extinct was to push him. I used both of my hands and pushed him, causing him to fall to the ground. I picked up the book that fell to the floor and smirked at him. He looked confused and upset because of my action. I giggled and backed away, "Thanks for the book, Styles." I said running away from the scene, wondering what would've happened if I let that kiss happen.



I just watched, Suicide Room! It's an awesome movie, you guys should check it out! I literally cried during it... Do you guys recommend and good movies out there? 

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