Chapter 2.

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Also HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY TO, HARRY STYLES! "...just how fast the night changes."


I walked back towards the grocery store that my grandmother was there and luckily I spotted her just getting out and ran to help her."Oh hello, dear! I see you got yourself something nice." She said pointing towards the books that I am carrying in my hands.

"Mhm, and thank you for the money!" I place my books inside the cart and start to push it towards the car. I unlocked the car and helped my grandmother get seated. I quickly put the groceries in the trunk and pushed the cart to an open parking space.

"What kinds of books did you get?"

I smirked and turned the volume of the music blasting in the car. "Stephen King books."

She raised her eyebrows at me, clearly confused. "Horror books, granny."
She let out a small chuckle and just nodded.

The rest of the car ride was spent listening to old rock n'roll music. Once we arrived at our house, I unlocked the door and put the groceries away.

"I'm going to go to the Chesters and see Lolah." My grandmother and Lolah have been next door neighbors for a couple of years now. Once in a while they would borrow something's from us and being the nice lady my grandmother is she gladly helps them out. But if it were me...that wouldn't happen.

I nod and ran upstairs to my bedroom and set the books on my book shelf. I unlock my phone and call up, Paige.

"Hello!" Sings Paige on the other line. I roll my eyes and let a small giggle.

"So what's up?" I lay on my bed and look up at my ceiling, intrigued my all of the background noises coming from the other line.

"Nothing, babysitting some brat."

"Hey do you know anyone by the name of Harry Styles?" Curiosity got the best of me. That curly haired boy seems to always creep into my head, usually with boys they would cross my mind and leave! Not sit in my mind and keep on bothering me!

There was a long pause,"Oh yeah! He's that British kid that goes to our school."

How does she even know him? "Quarterback of our school's football team, basically those fucking popular stuck up kids." I hear a loud cry come from the other end and I simply laugh. I know Paige and she hates kids, I don't even know why she bothers to babysit. It's not like she doesn't have any money. For god sake her parents are damn business owners!

"You need to learn to control those kids!"

"Ugh! Don't you think I would? You know I am not good with kids! I should go..bye!"

Paige hung up and I needed something to do to keep me occupied and not get that Styles guy to creep into my head.

The rest of the weekend is spent at Paige's house for parties or helping my grandmother around the house with errands.

Monday has finally arrived...yay. I wore a basic white shirt with cut out patterns at the bottom and ripped boyfriend jeans and white converse.

I grabbed my bag and books and headed downstairs. I was greeted my the smell of blueberry waffles and freshly brewed coffee. I walk into the kitchen and my grandmother was dancing to some Bob Marley. I let out a soft giggle and greeted her with a hug. I took a sip of coffee that was set out for me and grabbed a piece of waffle. I waved goodbye to my grandmother and drove to school.

7:20 a.m and I can already hear the giggles and screams of girls running towards their friends hugging them. There are already couples holding hands and eating each other's faces in the hallway. It's too early for all this bullshit...

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