Chapter 3.

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"That is GROSS!"

"You fucking dick! You're going to get sick!"

We are all sitting at a round table in the cafeteria since lunch has a arrived and it's my favorite part of the day. Zayn and his friends took a bunch of random foods; fries, bread, meat, soda, and other substances and mixed them up together.

Zayn drank the gross piece of shit for $20. "Easy 20, right there!" Zayn held up the money and hit Paige on the face with it. She growled at him before punching his shoulder. Like I said, favorite part of the day.

It's been a week since the bonfire. Niall and I got quite close, we text, call and hang out a lot. As for Harry, I haven't spoken to him for a while. I have seen him around the hallways and classes but that's it. I would sneak glances at him at times, but quickly turn away once I notice him already staring.

I looked across the cafeteria and Harry was already staring intently at me. I would be weirded out of creeped out, but for some reason I couldn't stop staring."Earth to Olivia?" I turned and looked at Paige. She looked confused and irritated at the same time.


She groaned and rolled her eyes,"I said, I am going to cancel tonight's plans." I almost forgot that Paige and I were suppose to go to the movies and watch, Project Almanac.

I frowned,"Why?"

"I talked to the teachers about my grades and I need to get them up." Paige didn't seem like the type to care about her grades but if she got those grades up into As, her parents might actually notice her and praise her for it.

"Okay, I got to go head to my next class." I grabbed my things and ate one last fry before leaving.

I felt a hand grab my wrist from behind."Paige I am fine, you need-" I turn around before finishing my sentence."Oh, Harry! Sorry I thought you were Paige."

He smiled and shoved his hands into his pockets."That's fine. Do you have any plans for tonight?"

I raised my eyebrows and thought about my reply."Not anymore, Paige canceled our plans." It's nice being able to speak to him once again. I kind of miss our weird conversations.

"Maybe you want to go to the movies with me?" Doesn't he have a girlfriend? And why me? "I would ask my girlfriend but she has practice." He shrugged and look down to the floor.

"What about all your other friends?"

He shook his head,"They are going to a party and I'd rather not."

Harry Styles...asking me to go to the movies with him? I didn't expect my day to go like this. But maybe it could be fun, plus I would like to know more about this curly haired kid."Okay, sure. I'll just meet you there at 6."

The worried look on his face was replaced with a cheeky smile that exposed his dimples."Okay, see you!" He turned around and walked back to his table. That weird fluttery feeling in my stomach is occurring once again. Goosebumps started to form on my skin, I can feel my cheeks starting to flush and chills running down my spine.


I finally got done doing all the horrid homework for the week, so I wouldn't have to worry about them later on. I glance at the clock and noticed it is already 5 p.m. That gives me enough time to throw on some random clothing and head out to the movies.

I decided to put my hair up into a ponytail and wear, blue sweatshirt with the words "pink" written on it, I put on my black leggings and white converse.

I kissed and hug my grandmother goodbye, and head towards the movie theaters. Lucky for me, I found a close parking space.

I saw Harry standing out and waiting. He is wearing a white v-line shirt with black jeans. I waved at him and walked towards him."Hey, ready?"

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