1 - Flames

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(This chapter has been edited)

Stressful, a massive understatement of my week. Moving to a new city was hard enough, let alone facing the start of attending university. I was already missing the familiar streets of Reims. The way the sun hit the cathedral, the glow of the city lights in the sky but most importantly, my friends. I hated leaving them, Alya especially but it was clear it was time. Didn't make it hurt any less though, Alya was like a sister to me, I could still feel a sting in my eye when I thought back to her waving me off as the bus drove me to Paris. My new home. Here goes nothing.

I somehow managed to find a decent apartment near my university, when I say decent – I mean cheap. It wasn't great but I suppose it's all part of the student experience. I must admit, I was nervous to move. Not for the prospect of my life but more for the danger. It was no secret that Paris had become the central hub of lawlessness. It was all down to that one guy; everyone knows his name but pretends they don't. Everyone knows the stories but act as if they are legends. I had convinced myself he wasn't real; how could he be? It was all too cliché. His father dies leaving a convenient fortune for him, but he flew completely off of the rails. The rails exploded in his case. The stories I'd heard...no human could do that. It seemed so unreal, so I told myself it wasn't. Even if it was, the chance of meeting him or being a victim of his, the chance was little to nothing. I liked those odds.

I took a look around my quaint apartment before grabbing my bags and flying out the door. I didn't want to be late, at least not on the first day. I hopped across the streets and navigated my way to my first class. Luckily, people had only just began to arrive.

I walked up the stairs and was about to take a seat when a bag was placed down onto my chosen spot. I looked up and met sneering eyes. Standing... towering over me, was a blonde boy. He didn't look much older than me. His floppy locks flowed in the light breeze, where was it coming from? He had a chiselled jaw and perfect skin, of course he did. What took me aback though, were his eyes. They were the type of green you could only see in summer but they had a looming darkness. They pierced into me like daggers. His face could almost appear kind, only when he closed his eyes.

'Move it' He rudely interrupted my thoughts. His demeanour was brimming with self-entitlement. Judging by his dress sense, the designer brand of his bag and the way he held himself. He was rich and liked to flaunt it. Repulsion began to steam from me. I could tell he was not the type of person I want to get to know.

'Excuse me?' I responded, as politely as I could. 'Sorry, what did you say?'. Hoping to squeeze a please out of him.

'I said...'He leaned his head towards mine, his lips next to my ear, 'Move. It' He spat insolently. Holding his head back up as if he was refusing to look down at me. What a smug little prick. This boy is taking Parisian manners to a new level.

'Well, you see' I began, a little smile on the edge of my lips, 'I was actually here first and if you use your eyes to look around the room, there's a least a hundred other seats so go find one, please' I smiled bitterly at him, gesturing my hand out to the room. His brows were raised as if he had never experienced any form of opposition to what he wanted.

'I told you to move' He seemed to not be keeping up with this conversation, I rolled my eyes.

'You didn't exactly ask nicely' I tilted my head, leaning in to whisper to him in the same manner he had to me 'I would've moved if you had'

He scoffed, his cold breath hitting my exposed neck. I leaned back to look up at him.

'Now someone's a self-righteous cow, isn't she?' He sneered sarcastically. My head shot up in annoyance.

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