12 - Undeniable

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Warning - Sexual Content

I woke up slightly earlier than normal, early enough to see Adrien as he left. Why did he always disappear so early? Personally, no idea where he stores his energy but I was becoming jealous. He always seemed to walk away with such purpose and severity. Way too early for that. I was confused at my own early awakening. I had been tossing and turning all night. I couldn't believe what I had discovered, Cat's redeemable side. In no way could they be the same person yet I knew they were, not sure how, my gut was telling me.

I hauled myself out of my bed, it was freezing and I was temped to bring my duvet into the shower with me. After much more deliberation then I'd care to admit, I decided against it and ran from my bed into the bathroom.

After my shower, I still had some excess time before my morning lecture. The thought of waking up early every day and having this much time was appealing but then I remember how I don't mix well with the morning sun. Interrupting my rambling thoughts, came the sound of a man clearing his throat from behind me. It startled me, however I managed not to flinch at the unexpected sound. I knew it wasn't Adrien, he wouldn't give me the courtesy of a warning before entering.

'I'm curious...' I began, facing away from him however knowing fully well who was standing behind me.

'About what?' He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest, placing his head on the crook of my neck. Inhaling.

I was planning to ask about his past and my findings however I bit my tongue. It seemed a tale for another time, definitely not the way to start the conversation.

'..um..' I stuttered, now unsure of my question but I knew I had to ask something. I didn't want his suspicions of me to rise. 'How do you always manage to miss my dickhead of a roommate? Do you always wait until he leaves or is your timing just immaculate?'

'Is he the reason you want to move then?' His tone turned more serious, tightening his arms around me, I was unable to move or escape his question.

'You didn't answer my question' I pointed out, smirking.

'I'll answer if you answer mine' He stated. I trusted his tone.

'You really want to know?' I turned around, placing my hands on his chest. He nodded. 'This boy I'm living with, I hate him more than I hate you'

'More? He's worse than me?' He smiled in surprise, a little chuckle eluding his lips.

'So much worse and thanks to you, I'm stuck with him' I rolled my eyes. He placed a finger under my chin and raised my head.

'Well, I'm glad you don't get along' He smirked. 'One less person to get out of my way. Besides, I'm sure he's not all bad'

'He is' I blatantly said and his hard expressions flinched for a brief second, weird, 'He's literally the worst person I've ever met in my life, no joke. I literally can't. God! I can't even like put it into words... he's just such a little-' He placed his hand over my mouth.

'Watch your language, darling' He raised his brows and lowered his hand, tracing his finger down my lips, 'I've had enough of hearing about other boys in your life when I came here to ask you a question'

'Oh?' I tilted my head trying to read his face but he was completely void of emotion. I couldn't decided wether to be scared or already running out the door.

'Ok, listen' He took a deep breathe, 'Why can't you just cut all this resistance bullshit and be my girlfriend already? It's going to happen eventually and we've already had our first date-'

'Is that really the way you are asking me?' I cut in, gobsmacked at his condescending proposal.

'Did you just interrupt me?' He spat, his voice turning sharp and assertive. I closed my mouth and drew my eyes pleadingly towards the door. 'That's what I thought. As I was saying, you should just give in and let yourself be mine before I have to make you. It's a loosing game for you, either way I'm going to have you-I already do. You just need to admit it to yourself'

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