9 - Lightning

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Warning - Sexual Content

I awkwardly stepped inside the room. Unexpectedly, it was nice. There was a little fire place, a balcony overlooking the trees and a near by lake, plus it even had a toilet attached. The one problem I had with the room, was the fact that there was only one bed. It was a weird size, too big to be a single yet too small to be a double. Why would they make such a stupid size? Luckily, there was a small couch in the corner - my backup plan was secured.

'This rooms amazing' I turned, smiling at Luka, 'How come no ones taken it?'

'Well, I got here first and seeing as it's the best room-I saved it...for you' He smiled softly, 'I just didn't know you would be coming with...him'

'Yeah? Me neither' I whispered under my breathe. Adrien's scowl confirmed that he had heard me. I was far past the point of caring.

'I'll give you guys some time to get settled' Luka sighed, trying to defuse the tension. 'We're having a barbecue down by the lake-for lunch, come down whenever you're ready'. He left but not without shooting me a flirtatious smile. I felt my cheeks flush but I wasn't opposed to the feeling, not with him. Something about the rule Cat Noir gave me, made it more exciting. Whenever I was around Luka, it was adrenaline inducing and quickly becoming addictive. Again, I wasn't opposed to the feeling. 

Upon hearing the door close, I resentfully turned to Adrien. He didn't exactly seem too content at the situation either. We both stood in a dead silence, slowly making our way over to the bed and dumping our bags. After the long drive and stress ridden night, I needed a shower.

'I'm going to take a shower' I announced before heading into the toilet, 'Can you tell them I'll be down a bit later?' I called with the door ajar.

'Yeah whatever' I heard Adrien say dismissively before leaving the room. I exhaled at the sound of the door closing. I began to undress. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was exhausted. The bags under my eyes and the paleness of my face made me look close to death. My eyes dropped to the scars on the chest in disgust, shaking at the memories. I hated to look at them, to be reminded. If I looked at them long enough, they began to hurt like open wounds.

Luckily, the shower didn't take long to figure out. I revelled in the feeling of the water cascading down my body. I loved to shower, to be alone.

Once I was finished, I quickly wrapped a towel around myself and peeked through the door. The room was empty. Completely empty. That dickhead had taken my bag and all my clothes with it! Panic began to rise as I paced the floor in my bare feet. Running my fingers roughly through my hair, as I tried to figure out my next move. This was all a game to him, I just needed to play it cautiously.

As my breathing grew frantic and my pacing became unbalanced, one sound made my world stop. A tap on the glass balcony doors. At first, I brushed it off. But, it happened a second time. However, the tap had more force behind it. I slowly turned, gripping my towel and trying not to freak.

A familiar silhouette of a man in a slick black suit was standing at the door. I froze. How could he be here? I quickly scurried over and opened the door. I stood in the way, denying him entry.

'What the hell are you doing here?' I whisper shouted, my eyes darting to the group of people by the lake in the distance.

'I was bored' He said smoothly, not caring to whisper.

'How did you even know where I am?' I asked, trying to join the dots in my head. He pushed past me and straightened himself up.

'I was really bored' He sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets. I smiled at his efforts, to come all this way to see me but he shrugged in response, 'Oh don't flatter yourself, I had nothing better to do'

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