3 - Marked

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Living with Adrien was almost impossible. His bad habits, the mess he left in his wake and especially the snoring. Covering my head with a pillow at night had become routine. At least we hadn't been speaking. I refused after he slut shamed me and manipulated everyone into believing him. He had no idea what that can do to someone. He had some nerve. He doesn't know about the past, about what happened. I guess it's just a touchy area for me. I had been avoiding his eyes, his presence and him altogether. If we ever spoke, I knew how hard it would be not to slap him, I wasn't sure how strong my will power was.

I woke up and just as usual, he was gone. Good. Part of me hoped a little bit of him was ashamed and avoiding me as well. But in reality, I know that's not the case. I lifted my phone, the bright light causing nausea as I checked the time. Shit, I was late again. Why did this keep happening? I swear I always turn on my alarm. Strange. I didn't have much time to ponder as I ran around like a headless chicken trying to gather the stuff I needed. Yet again, I found myself running through the halls to find my lecture.

I swung open the door and the room full of eyes was focused on me. I could feel the burning of my cheeks as I scanned the room in search of an available seat. My eyes lit up when I saw one, but they dimmed when I saw who it was next to. Adrien. Of course, who else? I lifted my head and confidently walked over, pretending I hadn't noticed he was there. I sat down and pulled out my notebook all the while feeling his eyes on me.

Professor Abreo was still going over the basics of economics. I had always loved it and it seemed a given to follow the subject to university. It was the one thing I understood in school, the class I never felt stupid in.

'As we all know the two main streams of economics are...' He waited for hands to raise, 'Miss Garcia?'

Instant panic. I could sense the smug eyes of Adrien mocking me already. I knew the answer but became flustered.

'Umm, Microeconomics and..' I became lost in my thoughts and too embarrassed to continue.

'You do know the other one, don't you?' He asked, almost penalising me. The feeling of smallness and stupidity began to rise inside me, 'Come on folks, this is basic knowledge' He tutted.

'Macroeconomics, Professor Abreo' Came Adrien's cocky voice from beside me, 'Dumb slut' he coughed. The professor didn't hear, but due to the laughter, everyone else did. I stood up out of impulse. Glaring down at him. I wasn't sure what I was doing, but there was no way I was returning to that seat. To my surprise, Adrien stood up too. He had that same gloating smile plastered across his face. He opened his mouth to speak but my hand cut him off. I couldn't stop myself. My hand made contact with his face as I slapped him. The noise echoed through the hall.

Everything fell silent. His hands were clenched into fists and his eyes were ignited and blazing into my own. He was trying to intimidate me, but it wasn't going to work. He reached down and grabbed his bag. An involuntary smile sat on my lips. He was leaving. If I had known, I would have slapped him sooner. As he walked past he grabbed my arm and held it. His grip was so tight it made me squirm. I knew it would leave a bruise.

'You shouldn't of done that, Garcia' He ferociously spat into my ear. 'You're going to pay for that, I'll make sure of it'. He stormed out of the hall and I was left standing in shock. I didn't like to admit it, but his power scared me. It was as if he had everyone wrapped around his little finger. I didn't know what he was capable of and was scared that I had underestimated him. I knew the Agrestes were a ruthless family, guess the apple didn't fall far.

When the lecture finished, I walked back alone. I wasn't making a very good reputation for myself. Always late. Slaps the golden boy and is the charity case. Although, I was thankful so many of the girls donated clothes. I don't think they would have been so generous if they had known they were for me.

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