6 - Victims

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As I lay in my bed, the result of closing my eyes was seeing his face so close to mine. Feeling his hot breathe on my neck and reliving the kiss we shared above Paris. Surreal didn't even begin to describe it. I let my eyes close and myself drift away into my dreams. A place which was consumed by Cat Noir.

My eyes were shut however, I could sense the morning had come. I had the feeling that someone was watching me, staring directly at me. I slowly opened my eyes. Adrien's face was dead in front of me. His eyes cold, making me shiver. I furrowed my brows, more in annoyance than confusion. He just sat there, staring. Emotionlessly.

'Do you mind?' I grunted, rolling over to dismiss him. Far too tired for his bullshit. All of a sudden, my hairs stood on end as goosebumps coated my skin. I was freezing. He has stolen the duvet off of my bed. I immediately sat up, spinning round to attack him with my glare. However, somehow he was already in his bed with both our duvets protecting him - from both the cold and me.

The room was freezing. Anymore sleep that morning was only a passing, wishful thought. Since I had been forced awake and frozen before the sun had fully risen, I decided to have an early morning. Getting changed and quickly picking up some books, I made my way to the library.

It was peaceful. Empty. Relieving. I needed some calm in my life. Not that I ever really enjoyed reading, it's just a better place to study than with Sir Grunts-A-Lot back home. Home? That was the first time I considered my apartment with the devil himself, a home. I didn't like the sensation.

As I began to flick through the pages of my econ 101 book, all I could think about was the kiss. The way it felt. Breathtaking. Astounding. I'd even go as far to say magical. The constant replay in my mind only made me hungry for more. Shit. I can't do that. I refuse to prove his point. I won't have my mind played with like a little ball of string. If I don't stand my ground, I'll fall.

My thoughts were pulled away from me when I saw the all too familiar colour of electric blue enter the corner of my eye. Luka. It felt so long since I had seen him. There was so much to tell him. I stood up, ready to vent to him... I fell back into my chair. I couldn't. I wasn't allowed.  Maybe, just maybe, if I walk past and wave? Just something so he knows I still care, that I haven't forgotten. I stood up and walked over in his direction.

As I walked over and more of his face was visible, I was heartbroken. He was almost unrecognisable. His face was all bloodied and bruised. Cuts and black bruises ran up his arms while a massive black eye loomed on his broken face. He was slumped over. He had been hurt and badly. Was this my fault? Did I do something wrong? It couldn't have been. I followed his rules. I swallowed my pride and did what he asked. Yet, I couldn't fight off the guilt.

'Luka?' I asked downheartedly. He didn't turn around. Apprehensively, I pulled over a chair and sat next to him. He needed someone at that moment, that much I could tell. 'Luka, what happened?'. Lifting his heavy head, he slowly turned up to me. Just seeing him made my eyes sting. If only I had been there, with him.

'This group of g-guys, they j-just came up and jumped me in the street' He mumbled delicately. 'I-I swear, I didn't do anything' He looked at me with pleading eyes, as if I accused him.

'I know you didn't' I consoled him. He placed his head back on the table in defeat. I shifted my chair over and draped an arm over his back. I knew there wasn't much I could do, but I had to try.

'Have you been to the hospital?' I asked in a motherly tone. He shook his head, 'Do you think you can manage the walk back to mine? I have some first aid stuff that you are definitely going to need. Come on'.

I helped him across the grounds and into the apartment, in which all the ego had abandoned. I was glad that Adrien wasn't there. Luka got comfy on my bed while I gathered some of the first aid stuff. I sat on his knee and began to clean and bandage his arms.

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