10 - Public Eyes

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Warning - Sexual Content (this chapter is quite longer than the previous)

On the silent drive home from the weekend at the cabins, I was still in a state of shock and utter disbelief. My mind refused to accepted the events as anything other than a hallucination. With every passing thought, replaying the scene, my heart would speed up. My breathe steaming up the window I was resting my head on, as I recalled that night. Part of me thought I would never see him again and another part never wanted to. Embarrassment was only one word for it. I claim I'm not a slut yet sleep with him the first time he tries. What was I thinking? That's it, I wasn't. My brain was shut off during the escalation. I wasn't given the time to process and come to terms with what would happen. I wish it didn't. I hated myself. Where were my morals? Opening my legs for such a vulgar human, well it's generous to call him a human. I made a vow right that second, I would never do it again. I would shut down every advance and officially cut him out of my life. Should be easy... right?

As we pulled up to the uni car park, I was just glad to get out of solitary. Adrien, without saying a single word, came around the back of the car, opened the trunk and then came to my door. I was taken aback by his sudden gentlemanliness. He swung open my door and before I could step out, his bag was heavily dumped on top of me. I scoffed at his audacity. Every second I think there is some decency inside him, he never hesitates to prove me wrong. Something he has grown to love doing.

'Take that upstairs' He ordered rather quietly, his eyes glued to his hands which were running through his phone, 'I'm going out'

I stepped out and closed the door, without letting me get a word in, he had locked the car and was already walking far into the distance. I didn't understand his hurry. He had sped the whole way home and didn't say a word, obviously anxious about something. I didn't care much about it, I was just a little confused. For someone who doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything, for something to get him that stressed, it must be a big deal. I brushed it off as it was unlikely I would ever discover it.

I hauled our bags up the stairs and dumped them into our little hall. My bag landed directly on top of his and I heard a zip burst open. I panicked, he was already moody enough today. He didn't need to come home and find I'd broken his, probably exclusive and designer, travel bag. I scampered down to check the damages. One of the side pocket's zip had popped out, it was nothing I couldn't fix. I pulled the bag onto my lap and reached inside to take out the contents of the pocket, giving me more room to fiddle with the zip. What I found in my hands snapped a chord inside me. He made me sick. Absolutely sick. Not only did he steal one of my thongs, turns out he had made a mini collection of my used underwear and carried it around with him. That disgusting pig!

I threw his bag off of me and reclaimed my things. How did I not notice he had taken them? I felt partially to blame, but then again it's not my fault he's a thieving little... Urgh! Too many last straws have been drawn by him. I was so done with him constantly crossing the line and ignoring boundaries.

I thundered downstairs and made my way down to the accommodation office, preparing to beg on my knees. I stormed inside and took a deep breathe. I was trying to calm down, I needed to be taken seriously. A middle aged lady sat at the front desk. Upon seeing me, she leaned forward and placed a genuine smile on his face. Her positivity was refreshing.

'Hello, my lovely' She smiled cheerfully, 'How can I help you?'

'Hiya' I smiled in return, 'I was just wondering if there were any vacancies in halls, I really want to change my room, please' Already on the verge of begging. She drew her eyes to her computer screen and began to excessively type. She paused, her eyes lit up and she looked back at me.

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