17 - Defender or Accuser?

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Strangely, the most difficult part of my week was avoiding Luka who had taken a particular interest in trying to see me again. I didn't know what it was, but I just couldn't face him. He never did anything wrong-in fact he did everything right, but we were sparkless. It's saddening because he tried so hard and was always giving his full attention. I wanted to feel attracted to him but it just wouldn't seem to happen. Besides, I'm not exactly available for a relationship at the moment. Everywhere I go, he seemed to be right around the corner. It's either an amazing coincidence or just stalking, either way I needed it to stop. Seeing his face makes those painful thoughts fester in my brain. If only he was an asshole, it would make this so much easier. So far, he had only had good things to say about me and maybe if he would just hate me, I wouldn't feel like I was breaking his heart whenever we spoke. But then again, if he were to ever look at me in a different way, I think my heart would be the one breaking.

It was rolling onto eleven o'clock at night. I was ready to go out and meet Cat, he had been taking me out every opportunity he had and I wasn't complaining. 

I had to take the fire escape stairs on the side of the building, in case I ran into Adrien or any prying eyes might see me. I knew there was probably easier ways to sneak out but it was fun my way. As usual, when I got to the bottom of the stairs, his slick black SUV was sat waiting for me across the road out of campus. I walked past some of the other housing blocks before crossing the road, a light flickering on caught my eye. A face was staring down at me from above, I wouldn't of known who it was if it wasn't for his blue hair. I turned away, pretending I hadn't seen him.

As my feet carried me closer, Cat stepped out of the vehicle. My heart sunk to the fact he still insisted on the mask. Does he not trust me? Why keep hiding himself from me? He surely must've figured out that his face won't change how I feel about him, that's just not possible. 

'Hello, my darling' He smiled, extending him arms out for me. As soon as I was in reach, he pulled me into a warm hug. He seemed to be breathing me in, his shoulders loosening with every breath. 'I missed you. Please?' He held out his hand for me to help me into the car.

'Thank you' I smiled. I saw that  was driving, 'Hello Garion! How are you?' I smiled.

'Very well, thank you miss' He nodded, as if tipping an invisible hat. I had noticed he was a man of little words, I could see why Cat liked having him around. His presence was stable and calming, something Cat desperately needed. Once Cat was sat next to me, Garion passed him the blindfold.

'Is that really still necessary?' I moaned. 'I don't want to wear it, can't I just close my eyes or lie down or something, anything else?'

'I'm afraid you have no choice, our destination is a surprise' Cat winked, 'Now turn'

I pulled a childish begging face. He seemed immune to the puppy eyes.

'Aria, turn around' He warned. I huffed and followed his instructions. He placed it gently over my eyes, tying it tightly behind my head. 'We have a little bit of a drive so I think lying down might be a good idea...' He suggested. I felt his arm behind me, lowering my head to his lap. I shuffled around until I was comfy. He then placed his hand on my exposed shoulder and began to lightly run his thumb up and down my skin. This continued, more fingers joined in the light trailing of the top of my skin. It was comforting and I almost fell asleep, however my eyes did become heavy so I lay awake with them closed.

The car came to a stop, but there was no movement. It felt as if Cat and Garion were engaging in an eye conversation.

'Maybe I should jut take her home' Cat suggested, 'She looks exhausted'

I opened my eyes and rolled my head to look at him, he peeled the blindfold off of my eyes. 'I'm awake don't worry' I laughed. 

'Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home?'

Suffocation - Cat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now