18 - Eavesdropping

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Warning - Sexual Content

My tired eyes awoke to the sound of knocking. I rolled over, ignoring it. My heavy lids had no choice but to lift when the knocking turned into pounding. I grunted and hauled myself over to the door. Judging by the weight of the fists, it was Cat.

'Cat! Can't this wait?' I moaned as I unlocked the door, 'It's too early for...' My voice trailed off into nothingness. The face staring back belonged to Luka. After everything that had happened, I didn't even want to look at him let alone talk.

'Can we talk?' He asked, his voice on the verge of pleading. I scoffed and tried to close the door, however he pushed his foot inside before I could. 'Please?'

'No' I simply said, pushing the door harder into his foot. 'Move your foot'

'No' He returned, 'Just five minutes, please. We could go on a walk?'

'I really don't want to speak to you, can you just go away?'

'I will...after you listen to what I have to say'. I sighed. I suppose five minutes couldn't hurt, could it?

'Fine' I said sharply, 'Let me put some shoes on'

Within the next few minutes, we were outside and walking in a dead silence.

'For someone who woke me up at half seven on a Saturday just to talk, you aren't saying much' I said rather brutally. Tiredness removing my social filter.

'I don't know where to start' He admitted, 'I thought I wasn't going to be able to convince you to open the door, let alone actually come'

'Well I did, for some reason. So can you just say what you need to and let me go back to sleep?'

We sauntered over to a bench and sat as far away from each other as possible. The tension so thick it was almost visible. Surrounding us. Suffocating us.

'About everything that happened...' He began, 'And everything I said, I'm sorry. I don't even know what happened'

'What happened... was that you believed Adrien over me' I uttered coldly, turning my shoulder away from him. 'Adrien! Over me'

'Well, what was I supposed to think? He had evidence for fucks sake! Where else could he have gotten it?'

'We live together! He raids my drawer all the time and even has his own collection, to my disgust. If you had thought about it for one second instead of going off on me, you would've realised that' I spat begrudgingly.

'Look I'm sorry!' He yelled, 'In the moment I just got so mad'

'Yeah I noticed' I mocked while rolling my eyes and crossing my legs away from him. I just wanted to be back in my bed asleep so this weeks events didn't infest my conscious mind.

'I just hated the thought of you being with him, over me'

'Luka we literally didn't even have sex, what happened at the concert was a mistake' I said bluntly. I could read the hurt on his face but couldn't find a part of me that cared. Not in the slightest. I was still so angry, any empathy was gone.

'Well... it wasn't a mistake for me' He muttered, lowly. 'Did you ever actually have any interest in me?'

'Of course I did' I snapped back. 'But a little crush, was nothing compared to the way he made me feel...' Trailing off into the thought of Cat. Picturing his face calmed me down.

'Ari...You do realise that what I feel for you is much more than a little crush?' He turned his head. 'When I'm away from you, you are all I can think about. When I see you hurt I have to be the one to fix it. When I see you with Adrien I... I can't even describe how much I wish I was him.'

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