5 - His lips

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After an hour, I walked back into that lecture hall in a strop. I felt so belittled. I threw my bag on the floor after I chose the chair furthest from the door. Pulling out my phone and scrolling through the apps I never use, checking my settings and then realising the lack of raging ego in the room. I lifted my eyes to see Adrien hadn't arrived yet. My heart flew. If he didn't show, then surely I could just leave. Just as I stood up excitedly and flung my bag over my shoulder, the door opened and in walked the order of ego with a side of blonde. I sunk back into my chair and closed my eyes. It was my way of blocking him out. I opened them to see his face right in front of mine, with that vulgar smug he always carried.

'Get out of my face' I spat before he could speak. He clearly revelled in aggravating me.

'Don't start an argument you can't finish' His face turned darker and the tone shifted. I backed up in my seat and slightly raised my chin.

'I wasn't starting anything' I retorted.

'There she is! Do you ever just shut up?' He glared through his eyebrows. I was taken aback by his bluntness. I began to stutter, trying and failing to form a sentence. 'Finally, saved me doing it for you'

'Excuse me?' I stood up, 'You can't complain when of all the chairs in the room, you came over to me. I don't know if it's because you're bored..'

'Oh my god. Garcia, shut the fuck up or I swear to god' He gritted through his teeth. I walked over to the door.

I muttered under my breathe, 'I don't have to deal with this bullshit'.

As I placed my hand on the door handle, I was spun around and shoved against it. His face came closer to mine, I could feel the heat of his breathe. He inhaled all the air around me. My airways became hitched as I pushed up my chest to widen the gap between our faces. His eyes were feeding on me, looking slowly at every inch of me. Violating me with only his glare. The coldness in his eyes gave me chills. I was frozen in place. His hair fell over his eyes but they held their stare. Our intense eye contact felt eternal. Neither us willing to give in to the other. My eyes began to water and I unwillingly submitted.

'Where do you think you are going, Garcia?' He sneered.

'Far away from you' I replied, mirroring his tone. He raised his finger to my face and began to slow tut. He laughed to himself, but not like something was funny, in the way that he knew something I didn't and he was enjoying it. He stepped closer to me, something I didn't think would be possible. His lips grazed my nose. I began to struggle underneath him. When I realised it wasn't working, I sighed and gave up.

'Oh no please don't stop trying' He smiled sarcastically, 'I love to feel you squirming underneath me'.

I opened my mouth, not to speak but to spit. He saw it coming and as the spit left my mouth he quickly lifted his hand over his face and caught it. He moved so fast, it didn't seem humanly possible-yet he did it. He proceeded to look at the ball of my spit in his hand and then pushed his hand over my mouth while his other hand held the back of my head in place. I didn't open my mouth, I wasn't going to let him do that to me.

'Go on open wide' He said sternly, 'Open your fucking mouth'. His tone scared me and out of impulse, I obeyed. 'You're being good for once, now lick your filthy spit off my hand'. I froze. Absolutely stunned at his words. I knew he was horrible but what the fuck? This boy was the antichrist. 'Lick it!' He suddenly yelled. I sheepishly pushed out my tongue and took my spit back off of his hand. All the while he held his little smirk. He held his hand their for a second, relishing my silence before removing it.

'Happy now?' I said with a dead tone. I was absolutely humiliated. I never used to be like this. I would never run from a fight or give up in an argument. What was this boy doing to me? Seemingly, ruining my best qualities.

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