22 - The Angel

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I stood alone in Luka's flat, refusing to lose the staring contest with my dress as it hung behind his door. There was no taking from its beauty. I was an undeserving mannequin. Was it stupid to be so intimidated by a dress? Is this the first sign of madness? No, that's talking to yourself...

Luka told me that his sister had made some 'necessary adjustments' to the dress though not a single detail had changed, I was thankful for that. My head ran away with the image of myself walking the carpet at the Met Gala, elegantly ascending the stairs as I adorn the 'Dress of the century' as the press would call it. Sadly, I had no choice but to rein in myself back to reality. I had two hours till we needed to leave. Two hours till I see him again.

'Ari, you in here?' Came Luka's voice from the front door as he entered. He was calm and I can't even fathom how much it bothered me. Did he not understand the stress of this whole situation? If he did, he was amazing at acting like he couldn't give two shits.

'Your room!' I called back. He came in branding a knife in his hands. The more I looked at it gave me time to see that it was in fact a dagger. A dagger! 'Um, what?'

'Isn't it cool?' He exhaled with a massive grin from ear to ear, 'I just bought it'

'Okay but, why?' I grimaced at his delight.

'For protection?' His smile remained but the glint in his eye vanished, 'Did you not see the thing?' He casually threw the dagger onto the bed and turned the dress. Then I understood. Juleka had made a small holster-like compartment attached to a strap that would fit around my thigh. 'In case anything goes sideways, and I can't get to you. If I can't protect you, you can'

It was either pure insanity or pure genius. If this was going to work, I would have to be careful. One wrong move and I stab myself. Ironic.

His face seemed afraid but his smile held firm.

'You don't have to come with me you know?' I suggested.

'I do' he looked away from me, 'There's something I have to do'

Adrien's POV

My head wrenched to the side as his fist, coated in my blood, collided with my face once more. I sat on my knees, a willing victim. A paying victim. I held up my finger and the man stood before me froze, he made an effort to hide his fear. I proceeded to spit the blood out of my mouth, removing the excess with a swipe from the back of my hand. I then held up my hand and waved my fingers towards myself, signalling for him to continue. He didn't.

'Again' I grunted. He refused to even look at me. 'Again!'

'But sir-'

Unable to contain my anger, I launched myself to my feet and took him by the collar, raising him so only his toes could graze the ground. 'Hit me!'

A cough from the corner of the room caught my attention. Gorilla stared back, disapprovingly as always.

'Not the time' I grunted, turning my head back to the insect of a man in my grip, pulling out the gun from my pocket and placing it on his temple. My finger was pulsing with anger to the point of shaking on the trigger. I tried to pull it but I couldn't. I wanted to kill him, I was certain I did but something was stopping me from pulling the trigger. I couldn't go through with it. The look in his eyes, I had seen it so many times before and it made my stomach turn. I never used to let it get to me, it never broke through. But now, now looking down at the life in my hands and I was certain anymore. The hands holding his life were trembling. 'Please don't not make me repeat myself to you'. The life nodded sheepishly. I placed him back on the ground and returned to my knees. He balled up his hand and took one final swing, harder than ever. I sighed at the relief.

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