16 - Blindfolded

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Warning - Sexual Content 

 A/N Sorry for making you guys wait so long but this chapter is a lengthy one so buckle in...

He was late.

I was sat on the roof, trying to get some peace. I heard a familiar swoop carried through the breeze. 

'Don't even try to scare me' I called out, smiling, 'I already heard you'

I met was with a silence that lasted too long. I was reaching a point where I was convincing myself that I had imagined the noise when two strong arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me high into the air. He placed me on the ground in front of him and lay a light kiss on my neck, right below my ear. 

'You always ruin the fun' He teased, I giggle and he squeezed me tighter. 

'Where have you been?' I lifted a brow.



'Well I'm here now aren't I?' He cockily smiled, I couldn't stay mad at him as my lips began to curve. He placed a curled finger under my chin, lifting it and planting a soft kiss on my lips. 'Sit' he ordered. We sat. Somehow, I felt a small shift in the mood.

'Why so serious?' I laughed.

'I need to tell you something' He explained, my smile faded. 'I didn't want to tell you but you deserve to know'

'Why didn't you want to tell me?'

'Because you once saw me as a monster and I can't bear to see you look at me with those eyes again' He said, monotone. I was unsure of how serious he was being. I nodded and prepared to listen. I didn't know wether to be sad for him or scared for the words he would say.

'Okay, you can tell me' I smiled slightly, encouraging him. 

'So, you saw those newspapers? All the headlines' He shrugged, 'I hated hiding it from you. But just listen. You kept asking me what could have possibly happened...'

'Yeah?' I nodded.

'A girl' He said sadly and my stomach dropped. 'We were kind of a team... me and her. It was great. She called herself 'Ladybug' and we fought together. I thought it would be me and her forever. But when my dad died, something happened to me and I can't explain it... it's like I wasn't myself-the person I was when I knew her. I'm not him anymore, he's lost, anyway, I changed into something I couldn't control and the next thing I know... Ladybug and I are fighting each other. I lost control...let's just say I won'

'You killed her?' I said out of impulse. He lowly nodded. 'Oh my god' I muttered.

'But you have to understand it wasn't me, it was like something took over me and I can't explain it without sounding like a lunatic. You have to trust me when I say that I will never let anything happen to you, I promise. I will never hurt you'

'You said her name was Ladybug? Did you know her real name?' I asked, not sure what else to say.

'It was quite cute actually, we went to school together and I always pretended I didn't know it was her, for fun. We were friends but I loved that girl more than life. I don't think she ever knew, I wish I had told her. My... Marinette'

My Marinette. Those words stung like cold knives. I knew it was insensitive. But, the way he talked about her...how could I ever think to replace her? How could I compete with that?Insecurity flooded my senses. I felt so small. 

'She loved you too, I'm sure' I nodded, faking a smile to ease my pain. 

'But you see, that's my past' He smiled, turning to face me and taking my hands in his 'And my future is right in front of me'

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