20 - The Face of a Monster

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A/N - Hey guys, long time no see. Sorry for being inactive for months. A lot of shit happened but I'm just happy to have survived it all and been able to eventually get back to writing, thank you for being so patient. I want to thank you guys for reaching out to me through my tiktok and on here. You're support is unmatched and I love you guys. (there may be a few mistakes, been a while so I'm a bit rusty) I hope it was worth the wait...

I savoured the feeling inside of his arms, his warmth filling the holes in my heart. I took a deep breathe and he pulled me in tighter. Upon loosening his hold, a gentle kiss was set on the top of my head. I could feel my cheeks flush, even after so long his effect was not close to wearing away. His hold on my soul was too strong, it was as if no power on earth could change my feelings. Anything he did, I could accept and try to understand. Anything he said, I was hanging on his every word. And anyone behind the mask couldn't change that, after all, what's in a face? I know him inside and out. I don't need to see the cover of a book I've already read. 

'How about I take you out shopping tomorrow?' He mused on top of my head. 

'Oh, and you'll actually pay?' I teased, leaning back and biting my tongue. A smirk held steady across my face. 

'Hey! I pay for stuff, cheeky girl' He huffed, 'Most of the time'

'Exactly my point' I stepped back to get a better look at him, resting my arms on his. 'So, if we are going shopping then we're doing it properly. What's the occasion?'

He laughed down at me, 'Since when do I need an occasion to spoil you?'

'What's the occasion?' I repeated, raising a brow. He sighed in defeat.

'Enough questions, go get ready for bed, you look shattered'. I pulled a sad face.


'Aria-I wasn't asking' He said sternly, 'Go, now'

Once again, I swallowed my pride and did as I was asked. As soon as I lay my head onto his pillow, I could feel sleep taking over me. Perhaps he was right, perhaps-only sometimes, he did know what was best for me. Not that I'd ever admit it. 

The next day seemed to appear quicker than the blink of an eye. Before I knew it, I was being rushed out of the house and found myself in the middle of Paris. We went to boutique after boutique. With each one the air felt cleaner, the people richer and the floors shinier. The higher up the streets we walked, the more eyes looked down on me. I felt myself grow smaller with every harsh glance I was thrown. I have never been rich or lived among them. I was a piece cut from a different puzzle and it was obvious I wasn't the only one aware of it. Just when I was starting to overthink my mere existence. I'm pulled to the side, and am led into the nearest shop by my waist.

Cat completely backs me up into the corner. The staff staring at us.

'You listen to me. You have nothing to be ashamed of and you never have. Since I laid eyes on you, I knew there would never be another to compete. Those people walking past are empty. You are more life than I have ever known and I am begging you to see it as well. You have my envy, you are everything that has ever meant anything. You aren't allowed to feel down on yourself. This is the one part of you I will not accept and cannot understand, nor will I attempt to. Do you hear me? You will know your worth, trust my words' 

I stood there, stunned. His words cut into me like a knife. How is it possible to be so transparent to him? He sees through the walls and won't let me build more. I glanced around, the eavesdroppers sharing my astonishment. 

'Don't look at them. They don't matter. All that matters is you' He took my jawline and led my eyes back to meet him. 'Fuck, what am I going to do with you?' He sighed. Feeling a little mischievous. I took the collar of his jacket and pulled his ear to my lips.

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