8 - Thunder

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It was late afternoon on the same Saturday, Adrien had gone out and Cat Noir had fled the scene. My phone began to ring. Reading the name, my heart dropped. I cursed myself for forgetting my promise to my friend from back home in Reims. She was going to kill me for not calling her. I had just been so busy and caught up in everything, that it slipped my mind. She was quite scary when she's mad so I was hesitant to pick up the call.

'Hey, Alya' I said overly positively. Gritting my teeth, trying to apologise already.

'Bitch' She stated. Of course. After a moments silence, we both began to snicker. I didn't realise how much I had missed her. I was glad to hear her voice. 'You have some explaining to do'

'I know, I'm so sorry but you are not going to believe what I'm about to tell you'

I told her everything. Every. Single. Detail. It was so refreshing to finally tell someone. To get it out of my system. I told her about the demon of my nightmares and how he was beginning to infest my dreams.

'He just wants to fuck you' She blatantly stated. The heat in my cheeks began to rise.

'But, that's not what I want to do though' I reminded her.

'Are you sure? I would, if I was you. You obviously think he's attractive' Again, blatantly.

'What? No' My face burned red as I became suspiciously, overly defensive.

'Well by the way you described him, he's drop dead beautiful. So, if you're not going to fuck him-I will' She teased. For some reason, the very thought sparked a little jealousy in me. It's not like I cared in the slightest... but somehow I did.

'Neither of us is fucking anyone' I laughed, 'Besides, I refuse to loose my virginity to some random guy - that's another thing, I don't even know who he is!'

'Look, I just think if you fuck him he'll leave you alone and isn't that what you want? That's all he's after and it would get him out of your hair'. She was right. But, there was no way in hell I would sleep with him. I haven't even seen his real face or even know his actual name.

'Well, the least you can do is try and get a pic of him for me' I could feel her smile through the phone.

'Alya' I laughed. I heard something fall in the room next door, 'Oh um, listen I gotta go but I promise I'll call you sometime soon-bye' Before she could say anything, I hung up. I careful put the phone down and slowly walked over to the door. I twisted the handle and lightly swung it open. Standing directly behind it, was Adrien.

'So' He grinned, 'You're a virgin?'

I sighed, ignoring him and turned my back. I sat down at my desk and tried to focus on my studies. I heard him sit down on his bed, however I could feel his eyes on me.

The wheels of my seat were pulled, bringing my chair over to him. I kicked his foot off of the bottom of my chair and scooted it forward. After a few seconds, I was being drawn towards him. Once again, I kicked his foot off and tried to ignore him. This became a cycle which lasted for a good half hour.

'I can help you' Came his voice out of nowhere, 'With your situation'

'Its not a situation' I respired, trying to keep my head down, 'And it's none of your business'

He came over and rapidly spun my chair around, placing his hands on either side of my head. 'I'm being serious Garcia. Just give me five minutes and I'll go find a horny homeless man, that oughta fit your standards'

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