Maximoff Undercover

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I had an random idea and I wanted to flow with it, it's going to be like a slow burning project while I keep watching Wandavision. I've got many ideas, so let's see how the first chapter goes before I continued with this story.

-I don't own Wandavision

-This story is fantasy - Pure Imagination!

-Peter Maximoff is a legendary

-Sorry for slow updates - Since my charger died for my laptop I've had to write everything on my phone.


Maximoff Undercover

Peter had been welcomed into Wanda's home with open arms, she had been happy to see him. He had felt guilty for pretending he was something he was not, he didn't want to lie to his unknown woman. He only knew little about her and the rest of her family in Westview, all he knew was that she needed his help. He had been assigned by an unknown source to pretend to be her long lost Brother, he had been informed that his mutant ability had been similar to Wanda's deceased twin's powers. These Maximoff twins had been normal people until they had joined a group called Hydra, they had agreed to be experimented on which caused them to gain superpowers. Unlike Peter his  mutant ability had been passed down to him by his Father, his powers had manifested when he turned twelve. 

The day had started off so well, there were games and laughter. Wanda's children had taken a shine to Peter straight away, they adored their Uncle P. He enjoyed spending time with Billy and Tommy, he loved being around kids. His position at Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters was a student support teacher, he took his job very seriously. He helped the students with homework and listened to them when they were feeling down, but he also helped them develop their mutant ability.

Peter was pretty excited that it was Halloween in Wanda's wacky world, he was a big fan of the spooky holiday. His mischievous streak always seemed to get the better of him, it had always been that way since he was a kid. They all got dressed up in bizarre costumes, he even helped Tommy to choose  a Halloween costume similar to his own. It seemed like his mischievous ways were rubbing off on Tommy, he was becoming a role model to the little guy. They soon joined the rest of the residence of Westview for the day of spooky antics, this little town was actually quite charming in its own way. People were having fun and collecting candy from different houses, it wasn't long until Peter unleashed his mischievous ways on the neighbourhood. Tommy and Billy were enjoying the chaos they were creating with their Uncle P, but soon that fun ended when Wanda made them return all of the candy they had stolen. 

Billy and Tommy were disappointed, but they had no other choice. Wanda was a good Mom, she only wanted what was best for her children. But something unexpectedly happened when they were walking to the town square, it seemed that Wanda's twins had developed abilities of their own. Peter was beginning to think that he may have been brought here for other reasons, he was a Team Leader after all at a school created for gifted youngsters.  

Everything was going great until he was left alone with Wanda, they had spoken together about how she was creating this fantasy world with her powers. But his constant questioning had ended up freaking Wanda out, by the look on her face she had seen something frightful. She said she was fine, but Peter knew there was something she was hiding from him. He didn't want to cause her anymore stress, but soon Billy came running towards them. Things happened pretty fast after that, he said something that had triggered Wanda's rage. It wasn't long until Peter founding himself colliding with some haystacks on the other side of the little Halloween setup, he felt cold water splashing over him and his costume was soon soaked through. This hadn't been part of his assigned mission, he was meant to be watching her and not enraging her with his thoughtless words. 

A Wolf In Sheeps Clothing - Wandavison/X Men CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now