The Mystery Of Wanda Maximoff

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-In my world Erik knows the truth about Peter - Has written in The Train Wreck Of Truth.


The Mystery Of Wanda Maximoff

Peter smiled at the stranger at the bottom of the staircase while he pulled his gloves from his hands, he was happy to see a familiar face in Westview. He hated not being able to trust anyone in this town, but this person was part of his family. The man was tall with dark hair and blue eyes, he was wearing a long dark coat. He had been unsure if the summoner would have allowed him to bring some of his fellow mutant kind with him on this mission, he was going to need all the help he could get on this little adventure. 

" I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon." He said.

" I kind of messed up..." Peter said.

" Why am I not surprised?" He asked.

" Well you know me, I'm full of surprises." Peter replied

The man chuckled slightly at Peter's remark, his Son's sense of humour did amuse him on the odd occasion. It had been months since Peter had last seen Erik, they had remained in touch ever since the New York incident. Peter was surprised that he had agreed to come with him, his Father had entered this town through a different way than himself. 

" It's nice to see you again, Peter." Erik said.

" Likewise, old man." Peter smiled.

Erik walked away from the staircase and greeted his Son with a firm handshake, this was their way of showing affection. They were still getting to know each other since the truth was revealed, but their Father and Son bond was growing with each passing day. Erik soon noticed what Peter was wearing, he seemed quite amused with his Son's Halloween costume. He looked him up and down before he pulled some straw from his windswept hair, he then held the piece of straw towards him.

" What happened to you?" Erik asked.

" A slight misunderstanding." Peter replied while he took the piece of straw from his hand. " But don't sweat it, I've got this..."

Erik smiled slightly at his Son before his attention was drawn to the equipment on the coffee table, he was looking at one of the little television sets near the computer's monitor. Peter couldn't help but look over his shoulder, he soon cringed when he saw Wanda using her powers to throw him across the town square. He itched the back of his head and licked his lips nervously, he was kind of embarrassed about that incident.  

" Yeah, that kind of happened..." Peter said.

" Reckless behaviour." Erik said with a sigh. " You could have gotten yourself killed..."

" Okay, I'll admit." Peter said before he turned his attention to his Father. " I was careless, my cocky mouth did all the talking.. I screwed up."

" Indeed, are you hurt?" Erik asked.

" Relax, I'm okay." Peter replied.

" I'll only relax when we're out of this hell hole." Erik said.

A dorky laugh escaped Peter's lips, he patted his Father's arm before he headed towards the kitchen. He was starving, he hadn't really eaten much since he arrived in Westview. Wanda had given him some food and soda, but he was craving something else. He stopped dead at the kitchen's counter before he reached for the cupboard, there was someone in the kitchen with him. The man looked at Peter while he placed the coffee pot back in it's holder, he soon smiled at him. Peter was happy to see another familiar face in this crazy town, he truly trusted this man with his life. He'd known him since 1973, he knew this man could solve anything that was thrown at him. Also he was intelligent and an inventor, the X-Jet was on of his greatest achievements. 

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