Something Wicked This Way Comes!

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Chapter 10!

Something Wicked This Way Comes!

Peter took a moment to process everything Doctor Stephen Strange had said to him before he had escorted his Father and Hank back to their reality, he still needed to find Wanda. She could be anywhere in Westview, but luckily for him he had speed and time on his side. He could explore the whole town inside of the barrier of doom without even being noticed by Agnes and the soldiers, his mutant ability was his asset in this wacky sitcom town.

Time slowed down for Peter, the street remained still while he zoomed along the sidewalk. There was hardly anyone around, the once busy Maple Street was deserted. There was normally the odd neighbour tending to their gardens or chatting to their next door neighbour over the garden fence, it was just too quiet. Peter continued to search each street in the neighbourhood, he even checked inside some of the houses. Everything seemed normal, the only problem was there wasn't anyone around. He stopped in the doorway of one kitchen and allowed time to return to it's normal pace, the scent of food caught his attention. He entered the kitchen and looked inside a few of the cupboards, there was canned food and clean plates on the draining board.

Someone had been here not long ago, the coffee pot on the counter side was still warm. Leaning back against the counter he crossed his arms while he thought about the situation unfolding in front of him, he had no idea where everyone had gone. It was like they had been abducted by aliens, there was no trace of human life around these parts. His gaze soon lingered on the dining table, it was laid out with four plates. But only two plates of food had been eaten, the other two plates remained untouched.

" That's weird..." Peter muttered.

Peter approached the table and dipped his index finger into the mashed potatoes before he sucked it from his finger tip, it was still warm. He could now see steam wafting from the two untouched plates, the person who had made this food still had to be around the house. He left the kitchen and wandered through the house, everything seemed normal. There was a pile of clean folded up laundry on the coffee table, the television remote was sitting on the arm of the couch and there was an half eaten cookie on a saucer. He stopped at a wall full of photographs and touched one of the frames with his finger tips, there were family pictures in the frames. Happy smiling faces of children and their parents, holiday snaps from their travels outside of Westview. It didn't make any sense since he hadn't seen any other children around town lately, they had vanished into thin air. 

The only time Peter had seen any other children in Westview was on Halloween, they had been out with their families. After that night's events they had just vanished from the town, he couldn't even remember seeing any kids on Ellis Avenue neither. Billy and Tommy were the only two kids in the town right now, he had a weird feeling that Agnes or maybe Wanda had something to do with the other kids disappearances. He hated thinking that the missing children could be trapped somewhere in Westview, he needed to find Wanda fast. He zoomed out of  the house and made his way through the streets, he soon found himself where Wanda had thrown him into a haystack pile on Halloween.

The citizens of Westview were missing from their homes and now the town center, it was like a ghost town. Peter stopped in the middle of the once busy town center of Westview, it only seemed like yesterday when the whole town was bustling with Halloween antics. The stores were empty, he had no idea why since it was daylight hours. The town should be bustling with shoppers and delivery drivers unpacking their vehicles, he had so many unanswered questions right now. Running his fingers through his hair he looked over his shoulder when he heard approaching footsteps, but it wasn't long until a familiar voice soon caught his attention. It took him a moment to spot two familiar kids hurrying towards him, it was Billy and Tommy. 

A Wolf In Sheeps Clothing - Wandavison/X Men CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now