Witches, Demon Rabbits and Hank... Oh My!

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(Sorry for the chapter delay, I caught covid 19 from my nephew. I thought I'd stop writing for a bit while I rested up, now I'm recovering and back on track with my fanfiction.)


Peter watched Hank distracting the monstrous Señor Scratchy, his friend was doing his best while Erik continued to construct the metal circle. The metal circle was beginning to resemble a makeshift collar, it seemed like they were planning to trap the demon bunny and maybe control it. Peter had never battled a monstrous demon rabbit before in his reality, he had no idea how they would control something bigger than the cupcake truck Darcy had been driving around Westview.

Hank continued dodging the demon rabbit's attacks, it wasn't long until Erik had completed the metal collar. Peter pulled his goggles over his eyes before he zoomed to his Father's side, he soon asked him where he wanted him. Erik told his Son to help Hank while he readied himself to catch Señor Scratchy, he needed them both to keep distracting the rabbit until he found the perfect opportunity to collar him. Peter zoomed forward and stopped not far away from the demon rabbit, he whistled at Scratchy to get his attention while Hank perched himself on top of the now toppled over alter. The rabbit's gaze soon turned towards Peter, his crimson eyes set upon his next target. He slowly moved forward before a low growl escaped his mouth, he was leaving a trail of black drool not far behind him. Peter hadn't realised how big the demon rabbit was until he approached it, he was nearly as big as an elephant. 

" Hey Cotton Tail, how's it hanging?!" Peter asked before he dodged a swipe of the rabbit's monstrous paw." Whoa! It seems like someone's gotten out on the wrong side of the haystack this morning!"

" Be careful, Peter!" Hank said.

" It's cool, I've got this..." Peter said.

Peter soon heard Erik's voice telling him to keep the rabbit in that exact position, he then told Hank stay where he was until he needed his assistance. Peter glanced over his shoulder for a brief second, he could see his Father levitating the makeshift collar on the same level as Señor Scratchy's head. Erik had torn part of the metal circle, it opened up and widened until it would be able to fit around the demon rabbit's neck.

" On the count of three." Erik said.

" One, two..." Peter said.

" Three!" Erik said.

Peter threw himself out of the way of the metal circle before it flew towards it's tended target, the metal collar clipped around Scratchy's neck when Erik clinched his fist. The demon rabbit squeaked violently and toppled over onto it's side, he wiggled around on the ground before he got back onto his four paws. He thrusted himself against the basement's wall, the ceiling above them began to crumble. Hank managed to maneuver himself out of the rabbit's way before he crashed into the alter, the demon rabbit wasn't too pleased with his new collar. Peter got to his feet before he zoomed over to Hank, he grabbed hold of his teammate's arm and pulled him out of the way of some falling wooden beams. The demon rabbit was destroying the basement around them, the whole house above them may collapse on top of them if they weren't careful. But without any warning Señor Scratchy was lifted from the ground, he squeaked and kicked his back legs against the air.

Hank and Peter's attention was soon drawn to Erik, his hand was raised. He was the one who was levitating Señor Scratchy in the air, he was using the metal collar to control the supernatural creature. Peter moved out of the way with Hank when some more of the ceiling above them fell into the basement, they needed to get out of there before they got buried alive. Peter zoomed Hank towards the staircase of the basement, he let go of his friend's arm and looked back at Erik. His Father was lost in his own thoughts, he didn't even acknowledge Peter's voice when he told him to abort the fight. 

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