The Battle Of The Bunny Paws

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Peter had used his mutant ability to check out the perimeter of the building before he returned to the basement's entrance, he wanted to make sure it was safe. He had no idea what could be lurking around in Agnes's house, he was dreading going back down into the basement after what had happened to the twins. He checked the padlock and tried to remove it by force, but it was locked tight.

" How will we get in there?" Billy asked.

" Don't worry, I've got this." Peter replied.

" What are you planning to do?" Monica asked.

Peter took a little wallet from his pocket and waved it at Monica with a dorky smile on his face, she immediately asked him if it was a lock picking kit. He gave her nod and returned his attention back to the padlock, he told them that he'd have it unlocked in a couple of minutes if he was lucky. Opening up his little wallet Peter ran his finger tips over his tools, he'd owned this kit since the 1970s. He decided to use the curtain pick, it was normally his tool of choice when it came to padlocks. He immediately began working on the old padlock, he wiggled the curtain pick around inside of the padlock's lock.

" So cool!" Tommy smiled.

Tommy was watching Peter closely, he questioned him endlessly about how he knew how do all of these cool things. Peter made small talk with Tommy and told him about some of his past illegal activities back in his reality, his fake nephew was impressed with his stories. Especially with the prison break story, he didn't tell Tommy about Erik though being an ex bad guy. He didn't want them to think badly of his Father, he wasn't really Magento anymore.

" Almost there..." Peter said. 

The padlock soon clicked and it freed it's self from it's binds, they could now enter the basement. Peter pulled the padlock from the door handle and threw it over his shoulder, he then pulled one of the doors open. A gust of wind blew from the now opened basement, the smell of flowers and damp straw filled Peter's nostrils. He wafted the floral scent away from his face with his hand, he wasn't looking forward to going down there again.

" It didn't smell like that down there before..." Monica said.

" It smells like Agnes's bathroom, gross!" Tommy said.

" Okay boys, listen up." Peter said while he put his lock picking equipment away. " It's gonna be an in and out job, don't touch anything. It's dark in Agnes's basement, I want you both to stay close to me and Monica. Do you both understand?"

" Sure." Tommy said.

" We do." Billy said.

" Okay then, let's do this." Peter said.

Monica opened the other door to the basement and peered down the dark staircase, she told Peter that she would take the lead. He agreed with her plan, it made sense in a weird way. He could stay at the back and the twins could stay between them, it would be safer this way in case anything attack them from the front or behind them. Monica ventured down the staircase first with a small hand held torch in her hand, the boys soon followed her lead. Peter walked cautiously behind the boys, the basement seemed more darker than before. The floral scent was lingering in the air, he noticed Tommy covering up his nose with his hand. It wasn't long until they reached the bottom of the staircase, the basement was pitch black in some parts of it still.

" It's creepy down here..." Billy said.

" Don't be such a chicken." Tommy said with slight chuckle. " It's not like there's any monsters down here."

" Stop it!" Billy said.

" Are you scared?" Tommy teased.

" Guys, don't argue!" Peter said while he rested his hand on Billy's shoulder. " Keep your eyes peeled and stay focused, we need to find the Darkhold."

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