The Scarlet Witch

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The Scarlet Witch.

Peter sat on the arm of the couch while his Father dressed his right hand for him, his knuckles were already healing due to his mutant ability. But Erik had insisted that his Son's wounds should be cleaned probably in case they got infected, he was in full parent mode. Peter didn't mind, he liked seeing Erik being a good Father to him. It didn't happen often due to Erik living in Paris, but Peter managed to visit him and Charles at weekends when he wasn't needed at the X Mansion. 

Wanda was upstairs with her boys, they were hooked up to drips and sleeping soundly in the front bedroom of the house. Monica had left the safety of the house on Ellis Avenue, she wanted to search for her friend Darcy Lewis. She had told them about what had happened outside of Westview after the barrier had expanded, there was more outsiders trapped inside this town now. She was going to bring Vision and Darcy to the house if she found them, they had no idea when Monica planned to return. Hank had been analysing the liquid in the bottle, he had informed them that it wasn't poisonous which was a relief. But it was toxic though, he had found living organisms in the liquid, it seemed to be plant based. But he was unsure which plant Agnes had used to make the potion, they would need to find out the plant's identity just in case the medical supplies weren't effective. 

There was deoxyribonucleic acid in the blood samples he had taken from the boys, he was hundred per cent confident that it was the genetic material found in plants. The atropine and magnesium would clear up the toxins in the boys system, they needed rest for the next few hours. Hank also informed Peter and Erik that there was traces of the X Gene in the twins DNA, it seemed like they may had inherited from Wanda. But she wasn't a mutant by birth which was the confusing part, they all had a lot of questions about where the boys had gotten this gene from since their Father was an android.

Erik was tidying away the leftover bandages while Peter was in the kitchen making some coffee for his teammates, but Hank soon interrupted everyone in the room. He had found out the identity of the plant used in the potion, he was actually quite fascinated with the information he had found. They all gathered together in the living room, they were ready to find out what Hank had learnt about the plant.

" The Wundagore Everbloom!" Hank said. 

" A what now?" Peter asked.

"The Wundergore Everbloom is a very rare flower that can only be grown in the shadow-passes of Wundagore Mountain." Hank replied while he paced back and forth in front of the fireplace. " Standard tourist guides to Transia recommend visitors to refrain from buying Everbloom blossoms from local dealers because most of the blossoms in the market place are simply standard roses with dyed petals."

" I've heard of legends about the Wundergore." Erik said before he crossed his arms. " Local Transia gypsy used it in spells, it's a very old practice." 

" You've been to Transia?" Peter asked. 

" Decades ago, long before you were born." Erik replied.

" It seems like I've still got a lot to learn about you." Peter said.

" Indeed." Erik said.

" Guys, I'm talking here." Hank said, he looked back at the book and sighed to himself. " According to legends, it's possible for a person to have visions of the future by lying a petal of an Everbloom on their tongue. It can allow people to see the future, it's required for the essence of the petal to be consumed twice, first after hunger and second after murder. That is to say, to kill and consume an individual or creature who previously ate a petal of the Everbloom."

" Wow, that doesn't sound good..." Peter said.

" I agree, it's a very dangerous practice." Hank said.

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