Tarrey Town part 1/2

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Link's POV
I crossed the bridge from the domain heading to Upland Zorana. I needed to head to Akkala to help gather some supplies for a new town being built in Akkala Lake.

I heard tiny footsteps running behind me and short, human-like arms with fins and touches of red scales wrapped around my left leg. Only my daughter Liana would do such a thing. "Daddy, daddy," she said hugging me tight, "where are you goin?" She let go of me. I kneeled down and put my right hand on her shoulder.

"I'm going to Akkala," I smiled.

"Akkawa? I wanna go! Pwease can I go with you?"

"I'd love you to come with me, but you need to stay with your mo-"

"You're going to Akkala?!" Valik came running toward me. "Can I go, dad? Pleeeaaassseee?"

"There you two are," Mipha said walking over to us. Liana hugged her. "You two know that your father needs to get going."

"But mooommmyyy," Liana whined, "I wanna go to Akkawa with daddy."

"Yeah, please mom?" Valik pleaded. "We can help him fight monsters and investigate places and-"

"There is no way I'm having you two fight monsters at your age," Mipha lectured. "Really, it would all depend on the job that your father is doing. Which, now that I think about it, Link what are you doing in Akkala?"

"There's a new town being built there," I informed. "They asked me to help gather supplies and people for it." I stood up and looked down at Valik and Liana. "If you two really want to come, I suppose you can since it's not anything too dangerous. Of course, you'll need your mother's permission." They both looked to Mipha eagerly, she sighed and then smiled.

"I suppose it'll be alright." They both cheered. "But, I will be coming with you. I'd feel better knowing that I am there if they ever need to be healed."


"Vawik," Liana exclaimed, "we're on a bridge!"

"Know we aren't," Valik countered, "we're on a land bridge! Liana, look how high up we are!" The two both gazed over the edge into Akkala Lake. "This is so cool!" Mipha and I chuckled seeing our kids amazed at all the little things.

"Link," Mipha said quietly, "didn't you tell me that you wanted to take a break from all the trips?"

"I did," I said, "but I decided to just do smaller things, like this. I'm going to take a break from all the monster stuff."

"Oh good. You don't know how much I worry for you whenever you're on those kinds of trips. Even though I know that you can handle yourself." I held her hand.

"You don't know how much I worry for you and the kids while I'm gone. Even though the domain is surrounded by guards and you're an amazing fighter." She smiled and giggled. We both walked the last of the land bridge and saw the construction. Piles of wood and piles of rocks were everywhere. Only one house had been built so far and there was another one in progress. There were only a handful of people working on it all, which surprised me. I guess not as many people need to work on a town as I had thought.

"Ah, Master Link," a man about the same height as me greeted me and shook my hand. "thank you for coming by to help. Oh, Lady Mipha it is an honor to be in your presence." He bowed and Mipha nodded her head. "My name is Mayson. I'm in charge of the construction here. Things have been quite slow since we've been running low on supplies. Not to mention, these giant rocks are in the way. It'll take ages to mine it all."

"Hmmm," Mipha pondered, "what if we-" The kids ran past us and started chasing each other. They then eyed the finished house and immediately ran towards it.

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