Yiga Attack part 1/3

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Valik's POV
Me and Liana stood at the starting line with a bunch of other kids. There was one kid not on the line. "Ok, here are the rules!" The kid announced. "This game is 'Zoras And Trouts'. All of you are the fish and I am the Zora. You have to get all the way to this line over here." He pointed to another starting line a bit farther away. "If I tag you, then you become a zora with me. We play the game until there is only one fish left. Everyone ready?"

"Yeah!" We all exclaimed together.

"Ready. Set. Go!"

"Run Liana!" I laughed. I quickly ran to the line and was the first to make it. Liana got tagged along with a few others.

"Ah man!" She sighed.

We continued playing the game and after a bit it was just me and my friend Hadin. "I'm gonna win this!" Hadin said out of breath.

"You wish!" I huffed out. We started again and I almost got tagged multiple times, but managed to avoid it. I got to the line and noticed that Hadin didn't make it. "Hah!"

"I was so close too! Good job!"

"Yay Vawik!" Liana jumped.

"Let's play again. Valik, you be the zora this time."

"Ok!" All the others got to the line and I walked out of it. "Ok we all know the rules! Ready. Set-" All of a sudden, a bunch of red men with masks appeared around us. One of them lunged at Liana. "Hey! Get away!" All of us started to panic. Liana screamed and ran over behind me.

"Go away you meanie!" Liana said starting to cry. The men started to laugh. I looked at them more closely and recognized the mask. Dad told me and Liana about these men dressed in red. Their mask had an eye on it. It was the Yiga Clan.

"Someone go get help! It's the Yiga Clan!" All of the others gasped and some started to cry.

"Very observant little one," one of the members snickered. He then looked at me and Liana more closely. "Ah, the son and daughter of the Hero of Hyrule I see. Perfect." He lunged at us. All of the kids started running and screaming. I didn't have enough energy to run. I put my arms around Liana to try to shield her from whatever was going to happen.


The Yiga member threw me and Liana into the same cell. They locked the cell up and I ran up to the bars. I held them and tried to shake them. "Let us go!" I said a bit scared. "Please!"

"Shut up!" The member yelled. "And don't even try to escape. It's pointless. Master Kogha will see you two momentarily." He laughed and walked off.

"V-Vawik," Liana said through tears, "w-where are we?"

"We must be in their hideout. I remember dad telling us stories about this place." I clenched the bars and felt tears coming to my eyes. "W-We're all the way across Hyrule! It's going to take forever for mom and dad to find us!" I tried to not cry because I knew that I needed to stay strong for Liana... but I don't know what to do. I started to cry because I was scared, Liana was scared, we don't know how to get out! What if mom and dad never find us? What if the Yiga try to kill us? What do I do?

"Alright, alright, stop your crying," a voice came from around the corner. I wiped my tears and looked up. A fat Yiga walked in front of the cell. "Goodness, this is why I hate children. All they do is cry and whine." The way he talked and looked made me laugh a bit. "Are you laughing?! How could you be laughing at me, the brilliant Master Kogha?!"

"Y-You're Master Kogha? I thought that you would be more... mean-looking. You know, all strong and stuff. Like that guy!" A big, strong looking man came up to his side. Must be his sidekick or something.

"Looks aren't everything boy! Ugh, forget it. Let me just get straight to the point. If you're father does not get here in one week, then I will kill both of you! If he does get here in that time... you'll see."

"N-No that's not fair! What if my dad doesn't know where we are?"

"Oh don't worry. I sent him a little message with all the details. Now you two sit there a be quiet! It's time for my nap." He walked off yawning.

The sidekick stayed for a second. "Don't even think of escaping," the sidekick said in a deep voice. "You'll never get out." He slowly left.

"Vawik," Liana sniffled, "are gonna die?"

"No, Liana," I answered confidently. "If dad knows where we are, he's gonna come save us. But why did Master Kogha just mention dad? He didn't mention mom at all. Ah, I don't know, but..." I looked outside the cell and then moved closer to Liana and whispered. "While we wait, we need to find a way out. Just in case dad doesn't make it in time."

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