Such a Tease

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Link's POV
Mipha and I were asked to help teach the children of the domain how to climb waterfalls. I felt the least qualified to teach as even my technique still needs a bit more work. Mipha encouraged me to help out anyway.

We gathered the kids to Veiled Falls. Mipha began explaining the basics and divided them up into two groups. The group who still needed to practice swimming and those who were ready to try the waterfalls. I told her that I'd take the ones who still needed to learn how to swim. I at least felt qualified to do that.

I gathered the ones who still needed to learn or practice swimming. Liana joined in this group as she still wasn't completely comfortable with swimming.

As I taught, I would occasionally glance at how the other group was doing. I wasn't surprised to find that they grouped themselves up into boys and girls. The boys, including Valik, kept on teasing the girls with every chance they got. I could see that Mipha was struggling to manage them a bit so I decided to cut the time with my group a little short to help her. I told the kids that I taught to sit and watch and I went over to Mipha.

"Oh, done already Link?" Mipha asked.

"Pretty much. My group over here is learning pretty fast." The kids I taught gave me a big smile. "You older kids need to keep up the pace before these younger ones beat you to the waterfall."

"He's right. So who wants to try going up first?" Valik and a girl named Tayli raised their hands immediately. "Ohhh, I think Tayli put her hand up first."

"Aw man!" Valik and the other boys grumbled. The girls cheered. Mipha and I just looked at each other and chuckled.

Tayli, Mipha, and I swam into the water. "I'll go up first so that you can see it. Alright?" Tayli nodded her head. "Good. Link, stay down hear if she needs help." I gave her a thumbs up and Mipha swam up the water gracefully. All the kids shouted in awe. "Go on Tayli!"

"You got this," I whispered to her. Tayli smiled at me and trudged her way up the waterfall. "You're doing great Tayli!"

"Remember you're form!" Tayli eventually made it up, but only got a little bit of air. Mipha caught her and set her down. "Good job!"

"Everyone give it up for Tayli!" All the girls excitedly clapped and the boys grudgingly joined.

"Miss Mipha, I did it!" Tayli said delighted.

"You did!" Mipha said gladly. "I'm so proud of you!"

Tayli looked down at the kids and cuffed her hands around her mouth. "Beat that Valik!" Even though most teachers would get mad at students who do that, I couldn't help but laugh. I could see Mipha laughing too.

"Oh it's on!" Valik yelled back. He quickly jumped into the water. The boys started cheering him on and the girls started booing. This was all too funny for me to stop.

"You know what to do?" I chuckled.

"Of course I do dad!" He started climbing up the waterfall. He was swimming faster than Tayli did, but he wasn't keeping his form.

"Valik," Mipha called out, "don't forget your form!" He then fixed it last second and got just a little bit more air than Tayli did. Mipha caught him and set him down.

"That's how it's done!" He pumped his fist in the air. All the boys started clapping and cheering. I laughed and shook my head. I swam back to land so that the three could safely dive back down. Once they made it back to land, Valik and Tayli started to tease each other about their performances. Mipha was trying to calm them down, but I couldn't stop laughing. It reminded me of all the times that I've teased Mipha. She then gave me a look to stop messing around and help her. I knew exactly what to say.

"Alright, alright," I spoke over them. They went quiet. "You all realize that you're teasing each other, right? Especially you two." They all gave slight shrugs and nods. "Did you know that if you tease someone that means that you like them?" Valik and Tayli looked at each other flustered.

"Gross no!" They both yelled. All of the other kids started getting all flustered as well. Mipha and I just started to laugh. We then did our best to quickly calm down the kids before their parents came by. We didn't want it to look like it was all just chaos... even though it was.

Liana and Valik sat on a rock while Mipha and I said bye to the last kid. Once they left, Mipha started giggling again. "We're the worst teachers."

"You're saying that like we don't know. Luckily it is the only time... I think."

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