Is It Too Much To Ask?

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Mipha's POV
Link and I walked on Luto's Crossing. "Link," I asked, "where exactly are we going?"

"I just figured that it'd be good for us to reflect on our lives," Link explained. "You know, spending a little more time together." I smiled and held his hand. I knew exactly what all this was about.

"You know, if you wanted to go on a date you could've just asked."

"I know," he chuckled. "I was just afraid that you would brush it off for some other time. Besides, every time I went to ask you, something came up."

"Then today it will just be you and I. No kids running around us, no monsters that we have to fight, nothing."

"I'd like that." We both smiled at each other, excited for having the day to ourselves.


We sat on the peak of Zodobon Highlands. It was nice just having it be us for a change. We haven't really had time for ourselves in a while. "I'm so glad that we did this," I said resting my head on his shoulder. "It's nice to have a break from everything."

Link happily sighed, "Nothing can ruin this." The ground then started to shake around us and we heard a faint scream. "You have got to be kidding me."

I looked closer from where the scream came from and noticed a black hinox. "Link, we have to help! Come on!" Link grudgingly joined and we went down the mountain to Tabahl Woods.

"Someone please help!" A male hylian was shaking from fear. The hinox grabbed a tree and was ready to swing. Link quickly got out his bow and shot its eye. The Hinox fell back.

I quickly ran over to the hylian. "Are you ok?" I asked quickly.

"Y-Yeah, I think so."

"Good. Now stand back!" I ran over to Link's side.

"Mipha," Link ordered, dodging an attack from the hinox, "distract the hinox! And watch out for my arrows!" I nodded and signaled the hinox to me. I jabbed my trident into its side and ran off a bit. The hinox followed and I noticed that Link was climbing up a tree. What in Hyrule is Link doing? "BOMB ARROWS INCOMING!" I took that as a very clear sign to get out of harms way. I quickly ran behind a rock with the hylian and we both watched as Link masterfully executed everything. He jumped from the tree and started firing bomb arrows nonstop. It was almost like time stopped whenever he aimed.

Link finally dropped down and the hinox fell to the ground dead. "T-That was amazing!" The hylian exclaimed, running up to Link. I smiled at Link and walked up to him as well. "Master Link, Princess Mipha, thank you so much for saving my life."

"Of course," I smiled. "We're glad to know that no harm came to you."

"Just be careful," Link informed. "Even though the Calamity has ended, there are still many dangerous monsters out there."

"Understood!" The hylian bowed his head in thanks.

"If you don't mind me asking," I started, "were you heading to the domain?"

"Well I was, but now I think that I should just head home. You know, letting myself take in what just happened."

"Of course. If you want, Link and I would be happy to escort you home. Even to the domain if you'd like."

"Mipha," Link muttered a bit annoyed under his breath. I knew that Link didn't want this to happen, but as champions it is our duty to help and protect the people of Hyrule.

"Thank you for the offer," the hylian smiled, "but I feel that I've already troubled you two enough with the whole hinox situation. I should really get back home. Thank you greatly!" He waved goodbye to us and walked off towards Gopanga Village. We waited a bit in a silence.

"Well there goes our day," Link sighed.

"Link," I countered, "this is our job. We have to protect the people of Hyrule at all times and in all places."

"I mean, is it too much to ask for one day just for us?"

"I wanted it to just be us today too, but we have to put our duties first."


"Link, don't be me over your duty." He sat down on the grass looking defeated, knowing full well I was right. I sat down next to him. "Besides, the whole day isn't lost because of this one moment. We've still got plenty of time to have it just be us." He gave me a warm smile.


We sat on the cliff in front of Vah Ruta talking about our childhood memories. "Remember that one day with Kodah?" Link laughed.

"How could I forget that day?" I giggled. "When she asked who you would rather be with for the rest of your life you chose me! I blushed so much in that moment."

"Not only did I like you, but I also did that on purpose to see you blush. You were so cute when you blushed." I smiled sweetly at him and kissed his cheek. He was about to kiss me back, but then a zora guard walked up behind us.

"I apologize for interrupting," the guard stated, "but you two must be attending the meeting with King Dorephan and Muzu at this time."

"What?" I said confused. "That meeting isn't supposed to be until tomorrow."

"I'm afraid that plans have been changed to work with Muzu's schedule."

"Of course it's Muzu," Link said annoyed. I gave Link a slightly dirty look and then looked back at the guard.

"Thank you for informing us," I said. "We'll be there as fast as we can."

"Thank you," the guard bowed, "I'll be sure to inform them that you're coming." The guard left to leave our murmuring thoughts to grow. I guess we won't be getting the day we wished for after all.

"Ugh does Muzu even care about our schedules?" Link scoffed. "It's always about him."

"I'm just as disappointed as you are," I said a bit annoyed at the whole situation, "but we can't keep them waiting." We reluctantly left back to the domain for the meeting. Along with that, we got troubled with even more things that needed to be done. The rest of the day we never got to truly have time for ourselves.

It eventually got dark and I noticed Link sitting on his bed frustrated. I knew that it was all about how today never worked out. I went over and sat next to
him. He shook his head, "It didn't work out. It never does." I held his hand.

"At least we got some time together," I said gently.

"But 'some time' isn't enough."

"You're right, but at least it's something."

"Do you think that we could ask King Dorephan for a day off or something?"

"What I learned today is that our jobs will always bring something unexpected everyday. We don't get breaks. So that is why we must cherish every moment we have together. A moment like this." I kissed him and then pulled away smiling. "Goodnight, Link."

Link softly smiled, "Goodnight, Mipha."


In this chapter when I say they went to Zodobon Highlands I actually mean it. The reason why I'm saying this is because in the first two chapters I made a mistake and called Upland Zorana Zodobon Highlands (I fixed it while I was making this chapter because that's when I realized). Sorry that my brain didn't comprehend the obvious names on the map haha!

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