Tarrey Town part 2/2

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Mipha's POV
I woke up early and walked onto the balcony. I looked at Death Mountain, thinking about how we could get a goron. I know that Link would volunteer to do the job, but I don't want him to! The way up is full of monsters and it's dangerous. Maybe I should just do it. Link did want a break from all the monsters after all.

I heard footsteps walk behind me and Link wrapped his arms around me. "Good morning," he said quietly.

"Good morning," I said resting my arms on his.

"Let me guess, you're thinking about how we could get a goron to come down here?"

"Yes." He let go of me and walked next to me. He looked up at Death Mountain and looked at me.

"Well, I can easily go up there and find someone."

"I knew you would say that. Link, I don't want you going up there."

"Why? I'll be perfectly fine. I've been through worse and- oh... this is about the whole 'taking a break from monsters', isn't it?"

"Link, I want you to take a break from it all. I'll go up there."

"What? Mipha, I'm not letting you go up on Death Mountain. It's dangerous with all the moblins and fire chuchus. There's even an igneo talus on the way up. Don't forget the heat either."

"So now you admit that it's dangerous." He just realized what he said and looked away from me. "Link, I'll be fine going up there. Let me do the hard work for a change. I know what I need to do to prepare and what to look out for."

"I do not want you going up there by yourself. If you're going, then I'm coming with you."

"You need to stay with the kids."

"The kids will be fine with Mayson and the others."

"You want to leave a seven and four year old at a construction site where the builders will most likely be too busy to even worry about them?"

"Well when you put it that way it sounds bad. Listen, Mayson and the others are trustworthy. They'll make sure that the kids are safe. You and I can go get a goron to help out here. We'd only be gone for a day or two." As I thought about it, he was right. The kids would be fine with Mayson and the others. Link and I wouldn't be gone for too long either.

"I guess you're right. Let's stalk up on supplies and tell the others."


Link and I hugged the kids. He walked over to Epona and lifted himself up. He then took my hand and helped me up. "Valik, Liana," I said gently, "I want you two to be good to Mayson and the others while we're gone."

"We'll be back in a day or two," Link added. "We love you!"

"BYE MOM, BYE DAD!" The two yelled.

"We'll take good care of these two!" Mayson called out to us. We waved goodbye and Link started Epona into a trot.

"Alright, let's get there as fast as we can," Link started. He looked over his shoulder at me. "Hold on tight." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He then made Epona start galloping fast.
We finally made it to Foothill Stable and link stopped Epona. He got down and held my hand as I dropped down. "I'm going to board Epona," Link said holding her reins. "Wait at the entrance."

"Alright," I said. I walked and waited at the entrance. Link came over quickly and we started our trek up.

"So just remember, Mipha. When there is a fire lizalfos, let me shoot it with ice arrows since it will die in one hit that way. Remember to stay far back from the chuchus here because they explode when they die. Oh, and make sure-"

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