It Isn't Over // chapter 8

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Y/n's POV 

'We just tell our parents we have AV Club after school. That'll give us at least a few hours for Operation Mirkwood.' Mike says. 

'You seriously think she knows where Will is?' Lucas asks. 

'Just trust me on this, okay?' Mike says. 

'Okay,' Lucas says. 

I start to zone out..wondering if we'll actually find Will. 


Will and I were lying down in his backyard, watching the sky light up with stars. It was the summer of 1982. A year after I arrived. 

'Do you believe in magic?' I asked him. He turned over next to me, propping himself up on one arm. 

'Yeah,' He smiled a lopsided smile, the dimple on his face showing. 'I mean, you're magical.' 

I snorted, and he blushed rapidly. 'You know-with your powers. That's - that's all I meant.' 

'I know.' I said simply. 

'Have you ever practiced?' He asked. 

'Practiced what?' 

'Using your powers.' Will said. 

'Not really. The only time I did it, I was so weak after, I could barely walk.' I explained. 'I didn't really enjoy the experience.' 

'Do you think you could just try,' He said eagerly. 'Something simple.' 

I smiled up at him and closed my eyes. 'Wings would be nice.' 


I held up a finger to shush him. I imaged big feathery wings growing from my back, big enough to fly Will and I far away from all of our problems. I heard Will gasp and opened my eyes. Standing up, I flapped them, surprised to find I could lift of the ground. 

'Come on!' I said, holding out my hand. 

'Really? It won't hurt?' 

'No.' He took my hand and I started to lift off. It was sorta hard to get both of us off the ground, but I was able to fly us up to the roof of his house, where we both collapsed, laughing. It was almost as if he hadn't left. We were happy. 

The sound of arguing pulls me out of my happy place. 

'And besides, why do we even need weapons anyway? We have her.' Dustin says

'She shut one door!' Lucas argues. 

'With her mind!' Dustin shoots back. 

'What now?' I ask. 

'Did you not just hear that whole conversation? We're gathering supplies.' Dustin says. 

'To find Will.' Mike adds. 

'Will. Right.' I turn to El. 'You okay?' She nods. 

'I bet... that she could make this fly! Hey. Hey. Okay, concentrate. Okay?' Dustin drops one of Mike's 'toy' thingys. It clatters to the ground and El just looks at him like he's crazy.  'Okay, one more time.' 

'Use your powers, okay?' 

It clatters to the ground again. 

'Idiot.' Mike sighs. 'She's not a dog!' 

'Time for school!' Karen shouts from down stairs. 

'Just stay down here. Don't make any noise, and don't leave. If you get hungry, eat Dustin's snacks, okay?' Mike says to El. 

"SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO"// Will Byers X readerWhere stories live. Discover now