The Upside Down// chapter 22

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Y/n's POV 

'Guys, guys! This is crazy. We can't just wait around. ' Mike groans, pacing around the gym. I watch him with concern. It seems Mike is finally losing it. I don't know what we're going to do about the Demogorgon, or the Lab. Or the fact that we're still hiding from the authorities. The only thing I know is that we have to protect El. And find Will. Without Will, I'm lost. 

'Mike, in case you forgot, we're still fugitives.' I roll my eyes. 'We can't just leave. We'll get caught.' 

'The bad men are still looking for us.' Dustin points out. I nod. 

'They're probably not far from here.' I add. 

'Yeah, and we don't even know where your sister is.' Lucas reasons. 

'El can find them.' Mike suggests. 

'Mike, look at her.' Dustin points. El looks up at us, her arms still wrapped around her knees. 

'I still think we should stick to the chief's plan.' Dustin says. 

'Exactly. We stay here, keep El out of sight and keep her safe. That's the most important thing, remember?' Lucas raises his eyebrows. 

'Besides, she's okay. She's with Jonathan.' I say. 

'Yeah, and she's kind of a badass now, so...' Dustin says, walking away. 

'Well, where are you going? You just said stick to the plan!' Mike shouts after him. 

'I am. I'm just gonna go get some chocolate pudding. I'm telling you, Lunch Lady Phyllis hoards that shit.' Dustin replies. 

'Are you serious?' Mike calls after him in an annoyed tone. 

'El needs to be recharged!' Is the only thing Dustin can say. 

I shake my head, sitting back down next to El on the bleachers. 

'Can I uh-' Mike looks at me, then back at El. 'I uh-' 

I sigh, figuring it out. 

'Fine. Just don't do anything stupid, Kay?' 

'Got it.' 

I walk into kitchen to find Dustin and Lucas with a huge pile of chocolate pudding in front of them. 

'Mike, I found the chocolate pudding!' Dustin screeches, his voice cracking. I laugh loudly, and Dustin frowns at me. 


'Okay!' Mike yells back. 

I sneak back into the room with El and Mike, hiding behind a table to eavesdrop. 

'Are you feeling any better?' Mike asks. El sighs loudly. 

'What's "putting"?' El asks softly. 

Mike chuckles. 'Pudding, it's...  it's this chocolate goo you eat with a spoon. Don't worry,
when all this is over, you won't have to keep eating junk food and leftovers like a dog anymore. My mom, she's a pretty awesome cook. She can make you whatever you like.' 

It's true. Karen's a great cook. 

'Eggos?' I can hear the smile on El's face. 

'Well, yeah, Eggos, but real food, too.' Mike sighs. 'See, I was thinking, once all this is over and Will's back and you're not a secret anymore, my parents can get you an actual bed for the basement. Or you can take my room if you want, since I'm down there all the time anyways. My point is, they'll take care of you. They'll be like your new parents, and Nancy, she'll be like your new sister.' I smile at Mike's words. It seems like people are actually ready to accept El. She'll finally have the family she deserves. 
Will you be like my brother?

'What? No, no.' Mike scoffs. I smirk, and cover my mouth to hide a laugh. 

'Why "no"?' El asks. 

'Because...'cause it's different.' Mike tries to explain. You can't date your brother, is what he means...

El doesn't seem to grasp that concept. 


'I mean, I don't know, I guess it's not. It's stupid.' Mike stutters. He sighs several times. 

'Mike?' El says. 


'Friends don't lie.' El whispers. 

Mike sighs. 'Well... I was thinking... I don't know... maybe we can go to the Snow Ball together.' Oh god, the dreaded snowball..

'"Snow Ball"?' 

'It's this cheesy school dance, where you go in the gym and dance to music and stuff. I've never been, but I know you're not supposed to go with your sister.' Mike explains. 


'I mean... you can, but it'd be really weird. You go to school dances with someone that, you know... someone that you like.' Mike says. 

I peek out from behind the table, watching as El frowns once more. 

'A friend?' El asks. 

'Not a friend.' Mike stutters. 'Uh... uh... Uh, someone like a...' 

Mike leans in and kisses El. I gasp, covering my mouth quickly. A small smile spreads across El's face. 

My attention is drawn to the window, as lights flash by. 

'Nancy, hold on. I'll be right back, stay here.' Mike runs off. 

I consider coming out and confronting El, when Mike runs back in the gym. 

'Guys! Guys!' Mike yells. 

'What is it?' I ask, coming out from behind the pillar to join them. 

'How long were you sitting there?' Mike blushes. 

'Not important. What's wrong?' 

'They found us.' Mike says. 

'How did they find us?' I ask. 

'I don't know, but they knew we were in the gym.' Lucas says. 

'Lando.' Dustin whispers. 

'Go, go, go, go, go!' I yell. 

They gain on us quickly, trapping us in the middle of the hallway. 

The woman at the front of the group points her gun straight at us. With a loud squelch, blood starts dripping from all of the agents' eyes, and they all collapse. 

El falls on the ground, exhausted. 

'El, are you okay? El!' Mike yells. 'Something's wrong.' 

'She's just drained.' Dustin says. 

'No, no, no, she won't wake up. El!' Mike continues to shake her. 'El!El!' 

'She's barely breathing.' I gasp, 'We have to get her out of here.' 

'Leave her.' Dr. Brenner's cold voice cuts through my mind like ice. 

'Get away from her.' I narrow my eyes, letting an energy blast out that blows him and all of his soldiers back towards the wall. 

'Blood.' Mike whispers. I glance down, as Brenner begins to stir. Mike's statement is true, there's blood smeared all over the ground from the soldiers that El killed. 'Blood.' He repeats. 


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