the bath //chapter 20

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Y/n's pov 

Dustin stands up and begins pacing back and forth. I sit next to El, thinking about my new powers. It's dangerous. I don't know if I'm going to be able to control it. What if I hurt someone? 

'Will you stop pacing?' Mike demands, looking extremely annoyed. Dustin looks back, huffing. 

'It's been way too long. Do you know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe this is all a trap
 and the bad men are coming to get us right now!' Dustin sighs loudly, starting to panic. He's right. What if we just revealed our location to the enemy?

'It's not a trap.' Lucas reassures. 'Why would the chief set us up? Nancy, maybe, but the chief?' I frown at him. Like Nancy would try to trick us.  

'Lando Calrissian.' is all Dustin can manage. 

'Would you shut up about Lando?' Lucas glares. 

'I don't feel good about this. I don't feel good about this!' Dustin shouts, his tone becoming sharper. 

'When do you feel good about anything?' Lucas shouts back. 

The sound of a vehicle approaching shocks us into panic. Several doors slam and the sound of footsteps on gravel crack through the lot. 

'Shit!' Dustin exclaims, and I shush him. 

'Go, go, go, go.' Mike says, ushering us down again. 

'Lando.' Dustin mumbles. 

'You think they saw us?' Lucas asks. 

'Both of you, shut up.' I say. 

I hear a loud creak as the  bus door is pulled open. Then a grunt. Two people start yelling and there's more grunting sounds. 

The door opens. It's Hopper. 

'All right, let's go.' he says. None of us move. 'Let's go!'

'Mike. Oh, my God. Mike!' Nancy scrambles over the grass to her brother, then hugs me. 'I was so worried about you two.' 

'Yeah, uh... me, too.' Mike replies. 

'Is that my dress?' Nancy glances at El. 


'Okay, so, in this example, we're the acrobat. Will and Barbara, and that monster, they're this flea. And this is the Upside Down, where Will is hiding.' Mike explains, pointing at a paper.  'Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space.'

'A gate.' Dustin expands.  'That we tracked to Hawkins Lab.' 

'With our compasses.' I add. 

'Okay, so the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field, and that can change the directions of a compass needle.' Dustin explains. 

'Is this gate underground?' Hopper asks slowly. 

'Yes.' El replies. 

'Near a large water tank?' Hopper continues. 


'How do you know all that?' Dustin stutters. 

'He's seen it.' Mike whispers. 

'Is there any way that you could... that you could reach Will? That you could talk to him in this—' Joyce asks, her voice breaking 

'The Upside Down.' El finishes. 

'Down. Yeah.' Joyce murmurs. 

'And my friend Barbara? Can you find her, too?' Nancy asks. 

In front of El, sit pictures of Will and Barbara. She closes her eyes. I scooch closer to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. 

'What are you doing?' Hopper asks gruffly. 

'Trying to access her mind.' I say. 'See what she sees.' 

The static from Mike's radio crackles, increasing in volume. The lights flicker. 

After a few moments, El opens her eyes, a sad look on her face. 

'I'm sorry.' El whispers. 

'What? What's wrong? What happened?' Joyce stammers. 

'I can't find them.' El says softly. 

I follow her to the bathroom, helping her wash her face. 

'It's alright El.' I say, handing her a paper towel. 

'Find Will. Barb,' El whispers, a tear forming in her eye. She glances at the bathtub. 

'Bath!' I gasp. 'The sensory deprivation tank...'


'The bath.' El says, opening the door. 

'What?' Joyce tilts her head. 

'I can find them. In the bath.' El says. 

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