Mouthbreathers // chapter 17

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Y/n's POV 

El and I spend another night in the forest, eating half-defrosted pizza and eggo waffles. By the time we wake up the next day, it's already around mid afternoon. 

'Morning.' I say. 

'Morning.' El replies, unwrapping another waffle and eating it. 

'Aren't you getting sick of those?' I ask, smiling. El grins back. 


Just then, loud crashing noises come from the other side of the forest. I run out of the bushes, watching from behind a tree as Dustin and Mike appear in the clearing. Troy and James trap Dustin,  holding him tight. Troy pulls out a knife, angrily holding it to Dustin's face. 

'El!' I whisper shout. 'C'mere!' 

'What?' El gasps. 'Mouthbreathers.' 

Troy pulls Dustin closer, holding the knife up to his mouth. Dustin starts yelling and panicking as Mike walks to the edge of the cliff. My eyes widen, and I hold in a scream, looking at El. 

'Save Mike.' She says. 'Save him.' 

'We have to wait.' I only half believe my words. 'If we go out now, Troy will cut Dustin.' 


'Yeah. Wait until Mike jumps.' I swallow. 'You can do it. Catch him in midair. I promise I'll deal with Troy after that.' 

'Promise?' El murmurs, glancing worriedly at the scene. 


'Mike, don't do it. I don't need my baby teeth, Mike! Mike, seriously, don't!' Dustin pants heavily, trying to restrain Troy's vice like grip around his body. His breathing increases, echoing across the canyon as Mike stands next to the cliff. 'Mike, don't do it!' 

'How do you know-' El whispers. I cut her off- 

'Mike will do anything for his friends.' I bite my lip. 'Even if it means putting himself in danger.' 

'Seriously, don't do it, man! Seriously, don't!' Dustin yells. James looks anxiously at Troy, then back at Mike. 

'Troy, I don't think this is a good idea, man.' Troy ignores James, his face twisting in anger. 

'Mike, don't!' Dustin yells, grasping Troy's hands and struggling. 

'Dentist's office opens in five... Four! Three! Two!' Troy begins his countdown. I can see Mike starring down at the water, his foot just catching the edge. El stands up, putting a hand out and starting to pace around the bushes, just out of sight. I follow her, carefully avoiding any sticks. 

'Mike!' Dustin lets out a loud scream.

'One!' Troy's voice seems to fade as Mike jumps. 

A loud yell sounds around the canon as Mike barrels at full speed down towards the deathly water. 
Troy lets Dustin go, and the three boys run to look off the side. 

'Holy shit.' Dustin sighs, seeing Mike hanging about thirty feet from the water. 

'Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!' He panics, slowly rising into the air, and landing hard on the ground. I sigh with relief, running over to him. 

'Mike!' I leap at him, hugging him. 'If you're ever that stupid again..I swear I will kill you.'

'Interesting..interesting theory.' Mike's breath comes out short, as he tries to steady his heart. 

'As for you.' I turn on Troy. Before I can do anything, I hear a loud crack, and Troy screams. 

'She broke my arm! My arm!' I smirk, seeing El standing a few meters away from us. 

'Go.' She frowns. 

'Let's get out of here! Let's go!' Troy yells. 

'Go!' James shouts, scrambling to his feet after Troy. 

'Yeah, that's right! You better run!  She's our friend and she's crazy! You come back here and she'll kill you! You hear me? She'll kill you, you sons of bitches. She'll kill you, you hear me?' Dustin shouts his long speech, finally smiling a bit. 

'El, are you okay?' Mike asks, shaking her. I pull El to a sitting position, wrapping an arm around her. 'El?' 

'Mike... I'm sorry.' She sobs. 

'Sorry? What are you sorry for?' Mike's eyes widen. 

'The gate... I opened it. I'm the monster. fault.' She cries. 

'No. No, El, you're not the monster. You saved me. Do you understand? You saved me.' Mike smiles, and he hugs her. Dustin joins the hug, wrapping his hands around all of us. 

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