19 (part one)

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                    ⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️

          - Lala

Once again, Chris found himself driving into what seemed like a pit of darkness. A storm that could've only been cooked up by Satan himself, and not his one year old son, Echo. "I'm sick of this shit.." he cursed as he clenched the note in his palm.

"Chris... did you predict that phone call?" Nova realized.

"What?" He spat, annoyed.

"Oh my gosh, nothing. Just try to calm down, please." Nova let out a sigh crossing her arms.

"Desiré wouldn't just up and leave like that," Chris said shaking his head.

"I know."

"You think she's okay?"

"She'd better be."

"But if she's not..."

"She is!"

"But if she's not?"


"What?! I'm just saying. That bitch Derrick is fucking evil! He did something to her. I know he did..."

Nova sat back further in the seat clenching on the arm of the chair tight as they pulled into the drive way.

They both got out of the car, Chris basically leaving Nova behind as he rushed inside to tend to his son.


Desiré took a sharp inhale, in shock at the cold and sudden splash of water being dumped on her head. "Rise and fucking shine, beautiful." Syrus said lowly.

Desiré leaned over, a pounding headache tormented her from the inside out. It felt as if her head would split open. "W-why?" That was all she could mutter, it was weak and barely over a whisper?

"Why?" Syrus let out a laugh, overtly amused at the visibly suffering woman before him. He kneeled to get a better look and glance at her through squinted eyes at her pitifully. "I worked so hard to get rid of every stupid bitch that stood between me and the man I love... Amber Wright. Francesca Muñoz. Karrueche Tran. Kamika "Johnson". I mean I reeeeaaally went through lengths for him. None of them would've been able to do for him what I can. And neither can you.."

"What did you do to them?" She asked looking down at him, failing to mask her fear.

Syrus smiled proudly. "I guess I can tell you. No one will find out after what I do to you, Ms.Desiré Jones," he began. "Amber. She was a pretty girl. Dumb as a bag of fucking door knobs, but pretty. Prettier than you, I might add. Anyway, amber started to over step her boundaries. She became obsessive with Chris. She wanted all his time. She took him from me all the time! I couldn't stand it. And that's understandable, right?" He looked at Desiré for confirmation.

She nodded slowly in agreement.

"But one thing many people didn't know about Amber was that she depressed, she had acute anxiety. And bipolar disorder. I went to her late one night... and told her that Chris was seeing someone else," he smiled, chuckling to himself. "You know I didn't even have to do shit! The dumb bitch did the work for me. She took a bunch of pills or whatever and threw herself off a balcony. Had a heart attack and died before she even hit the pavement," he laughed hysterically. Not so pretty anymore, huh? Closed casket, that one."

Desiré stared at the mentally deteriorated man before her in utter disbelief. She knew Syrus was ill, but not to this extent.

"And then there was Francesca. I had my hands so deep in her disappearance. That's when this got fun." He say on the floor with his elbows rested on his knees and his arms crossed with a smirk planted on his face. "She was a spicy Latina. Too smart to persuade into a suicide. So I did some digging. I found out her whole family was undocumented. I told her, that I would report her family to ICE if she didn't willingly get deported by herself." He fell over laughing again. "I snitched on her family anyways and they were taken away the next day!"

As Syrus burst into his sick fit of laughter, she finally got the chance to scan the room. It looked like a basement. The walls were covered in weird writings. And there, in the center acting as an accent wall was a shrine. Photos of Chris were placed in an orderly fashion and things like bags of hair, used deodorant containers and condoms, beer cans, and half smoked cigarettes in baggies everywhere, all on a table. She assumed things Chris had touched...

"Hellooo, number fivee??" Syrus snapped her back to his attention.

"Anyway, to my favorite. The only calculated, flawless murder and framing. Two birds killed with one stone, literally. Karrueche Tran and Kamika Johnson." The widest smile appeared on his face. It was evil, the sight of it sent shivers down Desiré's spine. "I killed Karrueche Tran," he admitted...

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