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Chris jolted up in a cold sweat, inhaling deeply. He looked up at the ceiling trying to catch his breath after waking up from a nightmare. He closed his eyes and rolled over before looking at his phone. It was 3:05. He thought it was strange considering that it was the same time he'd woken up the night before. Then the wails of his son coming from the baby monitor on his bed stand caused his heart to sink. Dropping his legs to the floor he trudged down the hall to Aeko's room, picking up his distressed son.

"A-Are you hungry, Echo?" Chris asked, looking into his son's red little face. Chris began to notice little things about his son. One thing for sure that this particular cry was not a hunger cry. Aeko has been disturbed. Chris sat down in the rocking chair adjacent to the crib and looked into Aeko's eyes. His cries stopped and Chris then heard the patter of rain that wasn't in the forecast for the night.

"Aeko Brown," Chris began, "Are you trying to tell me something?"

Of course, the baby didn't speak back. He yawned, rubbed his tiny little nose with his fist, and drifted off to sleep.

"Ma," Chris said stabbing his Honeycombs cereal with a spoon.

"What's up?" Joyce asked as she sat in front of her son, sipping on a mug of hot tea.


"I had a dream last night, and I wanted to know what it meant. I know you know about that stuff," Chris said, putting his spoon down.

"Actually, that's your Aunt who's into all that stuff. But I know a few things, so go ahead."

Staring at his hands, Chris began. "It was weird, like, I was falling and Aeko was falling with me too." He looked up. "I was trying to grab him, but we kept moving farther away from each other. Then when I looked at him everything stopped, a-and I woke up."

"Well," his mom looked at him tilting her head, "I know that falling in a dream can represent instability, anxiety, or fear even... and as far as not being able to grab onto Aeko, that could mean that you're having a difficult time adjusting to being a dad. That's normal son. But I still think you should talk to your Aunt."

"Yeah," Chris scratched his beard and put the bowl in the sink.

"I have a few errands to run, I won't be back until later," Joyce called out as she grabbed her purse from the living room, "text me if you need anything."

Joyce left out and Chris headed over to where Aeko lay in his bassinet. "I guess it's just me and you today, kiddo." Aeko babbled, waving his little hands, covered with knitted blue mittens. Chris smiled, showing his dimples as Aeko mimicked the expression, showing his dimples as well.

1 week later.

Desiré Jones pulled up to the Brown residence and gathered her things before heading to the door. It's been over a week since she first met with them. She was convinced that Aeko was safe, however, by law she had to check on the small family. It wasn't like she minded, anyhow.Desiré liked to be around the father and son duo. She was rooting for them.

"Hey," Chris opened the door interrupting her thoughts. He was shirtless and so was little Aeko who lay on his chest. He was patting his back softly burping him, she guessed. "Sorry," Chris sheepishly apologized as he allowed her in, " it's a mess, I haven't had a chance to clean up."

"Oh it's fine," she chuckled nervously as she walked in, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"You changed your hair? I like it," Chris said as he put Aeko in his bassinet before heading over to the couch.

"Thank you," Desiré was flattered that he noticed the slight change.

She cleared her throat and took a seat across from Chris, beginning their discussion.

"So, how was this past week been for you," she asked, "you seem to be feeling a lot more confident with being a dad."

"I am," Chris smiled, "things started off tough, but I'm starting to understand my kid now. And he's just a light. Everyone says that he just brings joy. We're helping each other cope with what's going on."

The change in Chris was evident, however, Desiré still had some burning questions she wanted to ask. "I know I'm not a psychologist or anything, but how are you coping with everything?"

Chris looked at Aeko, rubbing the back of his neck. He'd learned that just looking at his son could strengthen him in his most fragile moments. "You mean everything that happened with Kamika..." Chris shivered. It was the first time he's spoken her name in weeks. A name so familiar now felt foreign coming from his mouth. "It's still fresh. You know that feeling when someone close to you dies? I know not everyone knows how that feels."

"I do," Desiré said.

"Well that's what it feels like. It doesn't feel like my ex wife isn't who she said she was. It feels like my ex wife died. She's dead to me and the woman on trial is just the monster in her that was left behind."

The social worker swallowed deeply and almost sunk in her chair, she couldn't even imagine what he was feeling. "I am, so sorry that this happened to you Mr. Brown..."

"Please, don't be. Everything happens for a reason. I have my son. That's all that matters now."


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