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"I remember it... it'll be a year in a couple weeks since that day." Desiré watched, frightened as Syrus deeply inhaled and rolled his eyes to the back of his head. It was like he was getting off at the memory.

"H-how did you do it? And get Kamika framed?" She asked. Despite her fear, she was genuinely curious and always wondered what happened. The whole world wanted to know what really happened.

Syrus bit his lip and laid back on the concrete floor, recalling the events.

   "Shit..."  Syrus cursed under his breath after releasing onto his palm. He let out a deep sigh staring at the picture of his friend and boss, Chris. He was shirtless and smiling in the photo but all that Syrus noticed was the bulging print protruding from his tight jeans. This was apart of his morning ritual. Every day before work. Today he'd planned to get more than just work done. He even circled the day in on his calendar.
After cleaning himself off in the bathroom, Syrus grabbed his phone and dialed Kamika. The current pain in his ass. He hated everything about her and even the sound of her voice made him retch in disgust.
"What do you want?" Kamika answered the phone sourly.
"I don't want anything. I was asked to pick you up by your baby daddy. I'll be over there in an hour so be ready." He responded with an equal amount of bitterness.
"Does he want me to move back in?" She asked with more excitement.
"Probably," Syrus lied.

After the conversation ended, Syrus checked his phone to verify Chris' location. It pinpointed that he was at the studio. He was currently working on an album and, usually, when he's working on albums he spends nights at a time there. His phone stayed locked away and no one could get through to him. Not even his own mother. A smirk of satisfaction spread across Syrus' lips and he dragged his tongue across them. Top and bottom. He couldn't contain his giddiness, as his plan was going to play out successfully.

As he pulled into the driveway of the high rise Kamika was staying in, he rolled his eyes. Chris had put her up in this nice condo with two bedrooms, a gym, rooftop pool, and a great view of LA.
"This lying ass bitch got what she wanted." He always thought to himself.
But Syrus wasn't gonna let her get a happy ending THAT easily. He did give her credit for working hard enough to fool Chris. However, he'd become sloppy over the years. Chris was always attentive and relentless when it came to ensuring a secure environment. Him losing his ex girlfriend caused him to spiral and Syrus hated it. He hated watching Chris go through so many relationship problems. In his sick, twisted mind, he truly believed that his boss would be happier with him. He just had to convince him. I'm reality, Syrus wanted both women dead but as he watched Kamika waddle down the steps of the apartment  building and carefully skip across the street, his face softened at her growing belly. She was eight months pregnant by then and despite his deep hatred for her, he had a soft spot for the baby boy, figuring that he could help Chris raise him.

Desiré sat quietly, appalled, as she listened to him go into great detail. It wasn't like she had much of a choice, anyway. Her hands were tied behind her back and all the blood had rushed from her head to her toes. She wouldn't have been able to form words if she tried as her jaw, locked, was clenched out of sheer fear. Carefully, as Syrus was still distracted telling his story, she fiddled with the rope. A bead of sweat traveled from her scalp down her forehead and halted at the tip of her nose before dramatically falling onto the floor. Letting out a quick, undetectable, sigh she successfully got one hand loose but was cautious. She couldn't risk allowing her kidnapper to notice any slight change in her demeanor. So she waited and listened to the rest of his story.

Syrus and Kamika pulled up to the "old" house. As Syrus described it. It was graced with art on the outside as well as the interior. The artwork covering the home stirred up a lot of attention in the neighborhood but it was a stunning sight to see. Anyone would be able to appreciate it as great artistry. When Syrus turned the car off, Kamika let out a huff as she prepared to lift herself up and out of the low seats of the vehicle. After successfully relieving herself of the seatbelt and getting up out of the seat, she stood outside of Syrus' car, questioning why he'd yet to move.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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